There are a couple of new files with an Apache license on them (the
cmdline scripts to execute wadl2java). wadl2java uses the CDDL
license, is the Apache license due to those files being copied from an
Apache licensed project ?
On Nov 7, 2007, at 2:32 AM, Wilfred Springer wrote:
> Hi Marc,
> Sorry, I missed your email.
> I made quite some changes over the last couple of days. Currently,
> this is
> what it looks like:
> ./pom.xml
> ./wadl-core
> ./wadl-ant
> ./wadl-cmdline
> ./wadl-maven-plugin
> ./wadl-dist
> If you are at the top level (in the 'source' directory), you just
> type mvn
> install and everything will be built and tested, including a binary
> distribution, which you can find in wadl-dist/target/. Currently,
> the name
> is I suggest you give it a shot, and
> see if
> there's anything missing the binary distribution. At this stage it
> contains:
> ./bin (windows and shell scripts to run from commandline)
> ./repo (all libraries required; I'd rather call it lib, but I think
> I'll
> have to wait for another version of a plugin that I'm using (the one
> that is
> generating windows and shell scripts)
> ./samples (samples)
> ./samples/shared (the Yahoo xsd and wadl files)
> ./samples/ant (a sample Ant build file)
> ./samples/maven (a sample Maven pom)
> ./samples/cmdline (sample unix and windows commandline invocations)
> I noticed that they are not all generating the same kind of output,
> which is
> of course not acceptable. The commandline and ant output is different.
> (Package names differ; you will probably have clue why.) So that's
> one of
> the things I want to fix.
> Regarding a source distribution. I *could* create a source
> distribution as
> well; question is if it would really be required. If you release
> something
> with Maven, Maven will automatically create source jars for all Java
> source
> code, and upload those source jars to the Maven repository as well.
> This
> way, most tools will be able to automatically download the sources
> and make
> them available in your IDE if you are working on a project that for
> instance
> relies on wadl-core, in order to support debugging. (I know this
> works for
> Eclipse, and I think it also works for IntelliJ; I'd be surprised if
> Milos
> didn't include it in his NetBeans support for Maven.) So if more
> support for
> debugging is all you care about, this is all taken care of by Maven.
> If - at the other hand - you want to distribute zip files (or
> tar.gz, bz2)
> containing everything in the repository for a certain version, then
> that
> could be easily done as well. We can discuss the options; comments are
> highly appreciated.
> There is one other thing that Farrukh suggested, which is to have a
> wadl-spec module that also contains the latest version of the
> specification
> and related schemas. I'm starting to doubt if we really need another
> Maven
> module for that; I could also imagine that we stick those files in a
> subdirectory of the project root (ithe 'source' directory). I do
> however
> agree that it would be a good idea to keep those files *inside* the
> Maven
> project's directory layout. Comments highly appreciated.
> BTW: I'm not sure how you authored the specification. Being the XML
> expert
> you are, I do of course expect you to have done it in DocBook. ;-)
> If you did, then I am going to shamelessly suggest that we are going
> to use
> the DocBook Maven plugin. It will make it a little easier to include
> samples
> from the project into the spec, and keep the version number in sync
> with the
> Mave project's version number, since this plugin allows you to refer
> to
> Maven project properties using xml processing instructions. (And I
> said
> shamelessly since it's my own plugin.)
> Thanks,
> Wilfred
> 2007/11/2, Marc Hadley <>:
>> On Nov 1, 2007, at 4:38 PM, Wilfred Springer wrote:
>>> Farrukh and I just discussed how to rearrange the directory
>>> structure a
>>> little to be a little bit more in line with what the rest of the
>>> Maven
>>> community is doing.
>>> This is what we suggest, and what we are planning to do:
>>> The top level directory will contain a couple of of other Maven
>>> modules:
>>> wadl-core:
>>> Core classes and interfaces; everything common to the Ant task
>>> and the
>>> Maven plugin.
>>> wadl-ant:
>>> The Ant task.
>>> wadl-maven-plugin:
>>> The Maven plugin.
>>> wadl-spec:
>>> The specification documents.
>>> wadl-samples:
>>> Examples showing how to use the Ant task and the Maven plugin.
>>> Once all of this is done, we will start to merge stuff back into
>>> the main
>>> trunk.
>> Sounds good. Have you already implemented the task to build the
>> source and binary distributions we discussed earlier ? If so, what
>> command like do I use to generate them, I'd like to start testing the
>> build on Hudson to make sure the transition goes smoothly.
>> Thanks,
>> Marc.
>> ---
>> Marc Hadley <marc.hadley at>
>> CTO Office, Sun Microsystems.
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Marc Hadley <marc.hadley at>
CTO Office, Sun Microsystems.