- [Jersey-issues] Jersey deployment on WebSphere
- [Jersey] Accessing the Entity inside ExceptionMapper
- [Jersey] Add stylesheet to JAXB model?
- [Jersey] AuthC in Jersey (jdbcRealm)
- [Jersey] Best practice for returning JSON when using text/plain
- [Jersey] Caching config at startup time
- [Jersey] Changing baseURI when generating WADL
- [Jersey] ClientResponse.getEntity has problem with _at_JsonTypeInfo annotation
- [Jersey] Consume Json Jersey Response
- [Jersey] Controlling multiple projections from one data-model?
- [Jersey] Curl, Jersey and InFormParam multi valued map.
- [Jersey] Decoding URI into path parameters
- [Jersey] Deserializing JSON using jersey-client
- [Jersey] Error message for PUT request not delivered to client
- [Jersey] Error while running the Hello World sample project
- [Jersey] Example of consuming raw binary content?
- [Jersey] Experiences with HTTP pipelining?
- [Jersey] Extended WADL error after upgrading to 1.5
- [Jersey] extended wadl with local schema
- [Jersey] Fwd: [Resteasy-developers] JAX-RS 2.0 features you want?
- [Jersey] Generics coleections in return type
- [Jersey] generified collections in return type
- [Jersey] Get the IP addr associated with cinoming request
- [Jersey] Glassfish startup error
- [Jersey] Handling JSON with null elements
- [Jersey] Handling Transactions
- [Jersey] How can I programatically reigster request methods (GET/POST) without using annotations?
- [Jersey] How to add query params to Ref annotation in jersey-server-linking
- [Jersey] How to get entites (of various type) from ClientResponse
- [Jersey] How to pull filename out of FormDataMultiPart
- [Jersey] how to rename XmlRootElement in JSON
- [Jersey] How to return List<String> by GET?
- [Jersey] How to set http status when server returns a jaxb bean after processing post?
- [Jersey] How to use a specific version of Jersey with your EAR, if appserver includes an older version of Jersey
- [Jersey] Ignore unknown JSON properties
- [Jersey] Ignoring null elements in JSON
- [Jersey] Inexplicable NullPointerException
- [Jersey] Interface as a resource
- [Jersey] Javascript call a Jersey method
- [Jersey] Jaxb problem with lists.
- [Jersey] JAXBJSONContext in Glassfish 3.1
- [Jersey] Jersey + Hibernate + lazyLoad: No serializer for JavassistLazyInitializer
- [Jersey] Jersey and EJBs
- [Jersey] Jersey client in applet looking for resources that don't exist on server
- [Jersey] Jersey hangs when invalid JSON is sent in POST request
- [Jersey] Jersey source code pointers
- [Jersey] Jersey Test framework
- [Jersey] Jersey test framework using embedded glassfish
- [Jersey] Jersey test framework with EJBs, JPA & JTA
- [Jersey] Jersey, JAXBContextResolver, and Tomcat memory leak detection
- [Jersey] JERSEY-649
- [Jersey] Latest GF 3.1
- [Jersey] Maintaining Post-authentication state Vs being RESTful
- [Jersey] Multiple root contexts in tests
- [Jersey] ObjectMapper cannot handle _at_XmlElement
- [Jersey] Pluggable StAX message body writers as streaming alternative to JAXB POJO's?
- [Jersey] Preventing API abuse, throttling connections
- [Jersey] Question about consuming TEXT_PLAN and JSON via POST
- [Jersey] Question about Jersey Test Framework
- [Jersey] Question about natural notation
- [Jersey] Question about PackagesResourceConfig usage
- [Jersey] Question Mark in Path Param
- [Jersey] Quieting down some warnings
- [Jersey] Reducing boot time for Jersey + Grizzly server
- [Jersey] Reg:Jersey test framework
- [Jersey] Resource locator question
- [Jersey] returning basic data types
- [Jersey] Running jersey-test under Maven
- [Jersey] Sample for URI<--->JAXB replacement on the fly
- [Jersey] Tomcat 6 + Jersey + Weld (Seam 3)
- [Jersey] Tomcat not seeing exception message
- [Jersey] Twitter4j & Jersey: Marshalling Exception
- [Jersey] Twitter4j & Jersey: WebApplicationException
- [Jersey] Unmarshaller listeners
- [Jersey] UriInfo injection at resource initialization time
- [Jersey] Using EntityHolder with ExceptionMapper
- [Jersey] Using Security Constraints with Filters (tomcat)
- [Jersey] Using XStream and generating WADL
- [Jersey] WADL generation bug?
- [Jersey] WADL to java code
- [Jersey] WS itself playing the role of web-client
- _at_DefaultValue with empty string
- Access-Control-Allow-Origin
- Add stylesheet to JAXB model?
- AuthC in Jersey (jdbcRealm)
- Best practice for returning JSON when using text/plain
- Bizarre stack trace with jersey-client
- Caching config at startup time
- Caching data from DB at initial WebApp startup
- can not unmarshal nested generic list in a wrapper
- Changing baseURI when generating WADL
- ClientResponse.getEntity has problem with @JsonTypeInfo annotation
- Connection Retry on jersey 1.5 Client
- Consume Json Jersey Response
- Curl, Jersey and InFormParam multi valued map.
- Date format based on request parameter
- Decoding URI into path parameters
- Deserializing JSON using jersey-client
- Error message for PUT request not delivered to client
- Error while running the Hello World sample project
- Example of consuming raw binary content?
- Experiences with HTTP pipelining?
- Extended WADL error after upgrading to 1.5
- Extended WADL example for JSON
- Fwd: [Resteasy-developers] JAX-RS 2.0 features you want?
- Fwd: Jersey integration testing with Grizzly and connection pooling?
- Generics coleections in return type
- Get the IP addr associated with cinoming request
- Get the IP addr associated with incoming request
- Glassfish startup error
- Handling Transactions
- How can I programatically reigster request methods (GET/POST) without using annotations?
- How to add query params to Ref annotation in jersey-server-linking
- How to get entites (of various type) from ClientResponse
- How to pull filename out of FormDataMultiPart
- how to rename XmlRootElement in JSON
- How to return List<String> by GET?
- How to set http status when server returns a jaxb bean after processing post?
- How to use a specific version of Jersey with your EAR, if appserver includes an older version of Jersey
- Ignore unknown JSON properties
- Ignoring null elements in JSON
- Injecting Principal best practices
- Interface as a resource
- Javascript call a Jersey method
- Jaxb problem with lists.
- JAXBJSONContext in Glassfish 3.1
- Jersey and EJBs
- Jersey client in applet looking for resources that don't exist on server
- Jersey Client unmarshalls empty arrays strangely...
- Jersey hangs when invalid JSON is sent in POST request
- Jersey test framework using embedded glassfish
- Jersey test framework with EJBs, JPA & JTA
- Jersey, JAXBContextResolver, and Tomcat memory leak detection
- JERSEY-649
- JerseyTest and Guice
- JsonMessageWriter not working under Netbeans 6.9.1
- Latest GF 3.1
- Maintaining Post-authentication state Vs being RESTful
- maven-jaxb-schemagen -> extended wadl
- Multiple root contexts in tests
- ObjectMapper cannot handle _at_XmlElement
- Pattern for sub-resources with injection and arguments
- Pluggable StAX message body writers as streaming alternative to JAXB POJO's?
- Preventing API abuse, throttling connections
- Problem when packaging a Jersey App with Maven
- Question about consuming TEXT_PLAN and JSON via POST
- Question about Jersey Test Framework
- Question about natural notation
- Question about PackagesResourceConfig usage
- Question Mark in Path Param
- Quieting down some warnings
- Reducing boot time for Jersey + Grizzly server
- Reg:Jersey test framework
- Resource locator question
- returning basic data types
- Running jersey-test under Maven
- Sample for URI<--->JAXB replacement on the fly
- Tomcat 6 + Jersey + Weld (Seam 3)
- Tomcat not seeing exception message
- Twitter4j & Jersey: WebApplicationException
- two calls while getting the image.
- UriInfo injection at resource initialization time
- Using Security Constraints with Filters (tomcat)
- Using XStream and generating WADL
- WADL generation bug?
- WADL to java code
- WS itself playing the role of web-client
- Last message date: Thu Mar 10 05:32:21 2011
- Archived on: Thu Aug 10 15:14:47 2017 PDT