I am using Jersey client in an applet to make calls to a Tomcat webapp, in
which we use Jersey server. Everything works well functionally, except I am
seeing the following invalid requests in the server's error logs:
2011/03/18 17:38:38:049 GMT [ERROR] RequestProcessor - Invalid path was
requested /META-INF/services/javax.ws.rs.ext.RuntimeDelegate
2011/03/18 17:38:38:345 GMT [ERROR] RequestProcessor - Invalid path was
requested /javax/mail/internet/ParseException.class
2011/03/18 17:38:38:657 GMT [ERROR] RequestProcessor - Invalid path was
requested /META-INF/services/javax.xml.datatype.DatatypeFactory
2011/03/18 17:38:38:953 GMT [ERROR] RequestProcessor - Invalid path was
requested /com/bright/assetbank/restapi/representations/package-info.class
2011/03/18 17:38:39:078 GMT [ERROR] RequestProcessor - Invalid path was
requested /META-INF/services/javax.xml.parsers.SAXParserFactory
We are using Jersey 1.2 (as ideally we want it to work on JSE5) although I
have tried with Jersey 1.5 (and SE6) and I see the same messages.
Presumably, the requests to the META-INF urls are made by the relevant
newInstance statics of DatatypeFactory, RuntimeDelegate and
SAXParserFactory, which end up using the default implementations. Is there a
way to force the default implementations to be used straightaway, i.e. to
avoid the above calls being made? Alternatively, can I create the above
resources to stop the 'invalid path' errors (and if so, what should these
files contain)? Likewise with package-info.class and ParseException.class.
Or am I simply missing a jar file in the applet tag?
Any help would be much appreciated!
Martin Wilson
<mailto:martinw_at_bright-interactive.com> martinw_at_bright-interactive.com
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