[Jersey] Re: Glassfish startup error

From: Martin Matula <>
Date: Fri, 11 Mar 2011 20:06:06 +0100

Did you try cleaning the project before running it?
Not sure what that generated source is. How did you create your
application? Look at what your resulting war looks like.

On 11.3.2011 19:59, Arthur Yeo wrote:
> I just checked and there are no "@ApplicationPath" anywhere in my
> project src code.
> And, yes, "resources" is defined in the web.xml file and it has always
> been there.
> I do see this generated file
> ..MyProject\build\generated-sources\rest\org\netbeans\rest\application\config\
> that has "resources" defined in there.
> Do you think it has got to do with @Startup @Singleton bean that is
> causing the issue?
> >Is it possible you have an application class annotated with
> @ApplicationPath("/resources/") as well as a servlet mapped to
> /resources/* defined in web.xml?
> Martin
> On Fri, Mar 11, 2011 at 9:32 AM, Arthur Yeo <
> <>> wrote:
> All,
> What does this error mean when it is appearing during startup?
> SEVERE: Mapping conflict. A Servlet declaration exists with same
> mapping as the Jersey servlet application, named
>, at the
> servlet mapping, /resources/*. The Jersey servlet is not deployed.
> --
> Arthur Y.
> --
> Arthur Y.