[Jersey] Re: Consume Json Jersey Response

From: Colin Vipurs <>
Date: Fri, 18 Mar 2011 10:27:16 +0000

Thanks! Worked a treat. Only problem I have now is that my objects
don't expose setters, only getters. Can I configure jackson to use
fields rather than getters and setters?

On Fri, Mar 18, 2011 at 9:48 AM, Jakub Podlesak
<> wrote:
> Hi Colin,
> The JSON processing will automatically work
> only for JAXB beans. I guess it is not the case
> of your SearchResults class.
> To fix this, you will need to set
> feature on your client config, e.g.
> ClientConfig cc = new DefaultClientConfig();
> cc.getFeatures().put(JSONConfiguration.FEATURE_POJO_MAPPING, Boolean.TRUE);
> Client c = Client.create(cc);
> ...
> You will need to have jackson libs on the classpath,
> which you will get automatically if you use maven.
> Otherwise please see [1] for the links to the 3 jackson jars
> you need to use.
> HTH,
> ~Jakub
> [1]
> On 03/18/2011 10:18 AM, Colin Vipurs wrote:
>> Hi all,
>> This feels like a stupid thing to ask, but I haven't found an answer
>> yet.  I have a service for which I expose a client JAR containing all
>> classes that are marshalled through my exposed Json endpoint.  I
>> thought (and fairly sure that I'd tested) that all someone needed was
>> the jersey-client dependency and they could automagically convert the
>> json response into an object hierarchy.
>> What I thought we could do is....
>>                SearchResults results =
>> client.resource(UriBuilder.fromPath("http://searchhost/search")
>>  .path(SearchType.WEB.toString().toLowerCase())
>>                                .path(SearchDomain.ALL.toString())
>>  .path("tigertailz").build()).get(SearchResults.class);
>> But we get the error.,.
>> Exception in thread "main"
>> com.sun.jersey.api.client.ClientHandlerException: A message body
>> reader for Java class SearchResults, and Java type class
>> SearchResults, and MIME media type application/json was not found.
>> The dev working on this says he's followed all kinds of tutorials and
>> nothing works.  This seems like we're missing something very simple -
>> can someone put us on the right path?
> --
> Jakub Podlešák
> CZJUG co-lead,
> Web Services Research And Development
> Oracle, Czech s r.o.
> Praha 4, V Parku 8

Maybe she awoke to see the roommate's boyfriend swinging from the
chandelier wearing a boar's head.
Something which you, I, and everyone else would call "Tuesday", of course.