[Jersey] Re: Tomcat not seeing exception message

From: Casper Bang <>
Date: Tue, 8 Mar 2011 18:11:00 +0100

The closest related issue in the list history seems to be the following:

As expected, providing a custom error-page did not work - it's never

On Tue, Mar 8, 2011 at 4:30 PM, Casper Bang <> wrote:

> I am mapping a custom ParserException to HTTP error 400 "Bad Request" with
> a message/reason like the following:
> @Provider
> public class ParserExceptionMapper implements
> ExceptionMapper<ParserException> {
> @Override
> public Response toResponse(ParserException ex) {
> return Response.status(400)
> .entity("TEEEEEST")
> .type("text/plain")
> .build();
> }
> }
> But for some reason my deployment server (a Tomcat 6.0.29) omits the
> message, even if the default error page clearly has support for it:
> HTTP Status 400 -
> ------------------------------
> *type* Status report
> *message* **
> *description* *The request sent by the client was syntactically incorrect
> ().*
> A unit-test using Grizzly shows that Jersey is indeed sending
> the appropriate response back:
> assertEquals( 400,
> response.getClientResponseStatus().getStatusCode() );
> assertEquals("Bad Request",
> response.getClientResponseStatus().getReasonPhrase());
> assertEquals("TEEEEEST", response.getEntity(String.class));
> Which makes me wonder whether anyone on this list is familiar with
> container rewrites of error responses, perhaps even Tomcat specifically. The
> only thing I can think of trying, is providing my very own error page via
> error-page declarations in web.xml but my gut feeling is that it won't help
> since - again - the default error page already has support for showing
> message/reason entity/payload.
> Any pointers and suggestions welcomed.
> /Casper