[Jersey] Re: Pattern for sub-resources with injection and arguments

From: Gili <>
Date: Tue, 29 Mar 2011 12:27:18 -0700 (PDT)

Paul Sandoz wrote:
> Hi,
> Guice 2.0 has a nice pattern for the case when obtain an instance from
> a DI framework where additional non-injected parameters need to be
> passed:
> guice&amp;t=AssistedInject
> I know a number of developers have been scratching their heads other
> this one (including me).
> If you use Guice to manage your resources then you can use
> AssistedInject, which i presume should work with Jersey as i have not
> tested it.
> Otherwise you can follow a factory pattern:
> public class MyResourceFactory {
> private final UriInfo ui;
> public class MyResourceFactory(@Context UriInfo ui) {
> this.ui = ui;
> }
> public MyResource create(String param) {
> return new MyResource(param);
> }
> public class MyResource {
> private final String param;
> public class MyResource(String param) {
> this.param = param;
> }
> ...
> }
> }
> @Path(&quot;{id}&quot;)
> public MyResource get(@Context ResourceContext rc,
> @PathParam(&quot;id&quot;)
> String id) {
> return rc.get(MyResourceFactory.class).create(id);
> }
> Paul.

Hi Paul,

I'm trying to do exactly what you mentioned: using guice-assistedinject with
sub-resources that refer to UriInfo. Guice seems to inject UriInfo into
top-level resources just fine but fails for sub-resources with the following

   No implementation for was bound.

Have you ever gotten this working?


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