[Jersey] Re: ClientResponse.getEntity has problem with @JsonTypeInfo annotation

From: Tatu Saloranta <>
Date: Fri, 25 Mar 2011 09:45:45 -0700

On Fri, Mar 25, 2011 at 12:42 AM, Pengfei Di <> wrote:
> Hello Jakub, hello Tatu,
> thanks a lot for your replies! You are right, that I forgot to confiure the
> client to use POJO mapping feature.
> However, I get now some strange exceptions after I have done the
> configuration, when the getEntity method is called:

This sounds like a version incompatibility; jackson-mapper vs jackson-xc.
This usually occurs when partial dependencies are defined via Maven,
i.e. something only depends on jackson-mapper, with certain version;
but another library depends also on jackson-xc, but with different
version. Although many combinations of different versions work, not
all do. So it is best to have same minor versions.

-+ Tatu +-