[Jersey] Re: Sample for URI<--->JAXB replacement on the fly

From: Jakub Podlesak <>
Date: Thu, 24 Mar 2011 02:13:31 +0100

Hello Markus,

Thanks for the example. I think the use case is something we should consider
to support in the server hyper-linking module.

Anyway, i need to check how to proceed further with adding this to the Wiki,
as i am not sure about the licensing.



On 03/18/2011 08:38 PM, Markus Karg wrote:
> Hello Jersey Community,
> this week I had been asked to publish a sample on "replacing URI by a
> JAXB element (and vice versa) on the fly". So here it is. If anybody
> likes to put this on the Jersey WIKI, please feel free to do so, but
> would be nice to keep my name and a link to my web site
> The below code shall be treated as
> published under the terms of LGPL v2. :-)
> Problem Scenario: You're using JAXB (typically using JAX-RS) to
> transport data. You don't want to contain all referenced information
> inside of the XML body, but instead want to have referencing URIs in
> the body instead. So you want to replace Java references by URIs at
> marshalling, and URIs by Java references at unmarshalling.
> Solution Stereotype: Provide a custom adapter for marshalling /
> unmarshalling and mark the respective references to use these adapters
> instead of default marshalling / unmarshalling.
> Example:
> The following code snippets are published under the terms of the LGPL v2.
> /*
> * Copyright © 2011 Markus KARG
> */
> /**
> * Demonstrates optional usage of adapter.<br>
> * {_at_code referencedBanana} is replaced by {_at_code URI} using the below
> adapter.
> * {_at_code containedBanana} is contained as usual.
> * <FruitBox
> referencedBanana="http://host:port/root/bananas/The%20Second%20Banana">
> * <ContainedBanana id="The First Banana"/>
> * </FruitBox>
> */
> @XmlRootElement @XmlAccessorType(FIELD) @Entity public class FruitBox {
> Banana containedBanana;
> *_at_XmlJavaTypeAdapter(BananaReplacer)* @XmlAttribute Banana
> referencedBanana;
> }
> /**
> * Sample entity, *optionally* replaced by {_at_code URI} and vice versa.
> */
> @XmlRootElement @XmlAccessorType(FIELD) @Entity public class Banana {
> @XmlAttribute @Id int id;
> }
> /**
> * Replaces references by URIs and vice versa.
> *
> * @author Markus KARG (
> <>)
> */
> public class *BananaReplacer extends XmlAdapter<URI, Banana>* {
> /**
> * Replace {_at_code URI} by {_at_code Banana}.
> */
> @Override public BoundType unmarshal(URI uri) throws Exception {
> return uri == null ? null : JAXB.unmarshal(uri, Banana.class);
> }
> /**
> * Replace {_at_code Banana} by {_at_code URI}.
> */
> @Override public URI marshal(Banana banana) throws Exception {
> return banana == null ? null :
> UriBuilder.from(BananaResource.class).path(BananaResource.class,
> "get").build(;
> }
> }
> /**
> * Allows {_at_code BananaAdapter} to resolve {_at_code URI} by downloading a
> {_at_code Banana}.
> */
> @Path("bananas") public class BananaResource {
> @GET @Path("{id}") public Banana get(@PathParam("id") String id) {
> return em.find(Banana.class, id);
> }
> }
> Hope that it might be useful for anybody. Would be nice if JAX-RS
> would support this out-of-the-box some day (without the need to write
> an adapter). Note, if you want to use the adapter on the client side,
> you will need to know the service's absolute root URI as typically you
> don't have the JAX-RS to look it up from that using UriBuilder.from(...).
> Regards
> Markus