[Jersey] Re: UriInfo injection at resource initialization time

From: Martynas Jusevicius <>
Date: Wed, 9 Mar 2011 12:41:14 +0100

> It is simple - you can't get request-specifc info outside of the request
> context. Not sure what's confusing about it. UriInfo includes specific URI
> that was used to make a particular request - as you know, resources can be
> parameterized, so the URI is not always known at the deploy time.
> Anyway, seems what you are looking for is not request specific - you are
> just trying to obtain that info in a request specific way. So, all you need
> is doing it in a different way which is not request specific - see my other
> e-mail...
> Martin

Ok, so maybe I mistook UriInfo as giving info about resources rather
than requests.

Regarding your other email - any ways to retrieve absolute URI
(including base) from UriBuilder?

