[Jersey] Re: Error message for PUT request not delivered to client

From: Pavel Bucek <>
Date: Tue, 29 Mar 2011 10:43:16 +0200


can you do something like:

System.out.println("DEBUG: " + pot.response.getEntity(String.class));


I've tested something similar to your case and everything seems to work
as expected..


On 3/29/11 10:04 AM, wrote:
> It seems to be a problem on the client side, using curl I got
> {"error":{"code":105,"message":"Application key \"null\" is NOT
> defined!"}}
> exactly as expected.
> My code for the request is:
> final String url = "spheres/" + sphereName + "/accounts/" + email;
> final WebResource putAccount = pat.getWebResource( url, user );
> pat.response = putAccount.header( Constants.X_MATOOI_APIKEY, apiKey )
> ClientResponse.class, sb.toString( ).getBytes( ) );
> where the important point is the request putAccount.header... and sb is
> a StringBuilder containing the JSON representation of the account to
> update.
> But I do not get it where my code is wrong.