[Jersey] Re: Question about PackagesResourceConfig usage

From: Petr Jurák <>
Date: Wed, 9 Mar 2011 22:21:34 +0100

I agree with Martin. Was it Glassfish V3 (JEE6) or V2 (JEE5)?

2011/3/9 Martin Matula <>:
> The sample in the guide does not ask you to annotate the class, because it
> still registers the servlet in web.xml - we need to update that part of the
> guide - it is confusing and incomplete.
> What version of GlassFish are you using?
> What do you mean you tried it before with GFv3&Servlet 2.5? GFv3 is JavaEE6
> - i.e. supports servlet 3.0.
> Can you send me your project? Where exactly (in what package) is your
> FooTest class?
> Martin
> On 9.3.2011 22:07, NBW wrote:
> Hi Martin,
> Thanks for your suggestion.  I gave it a shot but no joy. I added back the
> sun-web.xml with context-root set appropriately, left out the web.xml and
> annotated my 'application' class which extends PackagesResourceConfig with
> @ApplicationPath("/") (even though this is not in the example in the user's
> guide).
> In a previous Jersey 1.0 application that I wrote and deployed to GFv3 &
> Servlet 2.5 I had things set up like so:
> no web.xml
> no sun-web.xml
> a class that extended Application and was annotated with
> @ApplicationPath("/api")
> and things worked, my Root resource classes were 'auto discovered' in that
> case.
> -Noah
> On Wed, Mar 9, 2011 at 3:46 PM, Martin Matula <>
> wrote:
>> Hi,
>> You need to annotate your application class with @ApplicationPath("/")
>> annotation. This replaces the servlet and servlet mapping entry in the
>> web.xml. You still need to keep the sun-web.xml to specify application
>> context path:
>> <sun-web-app error-url="">
>>   <context-root>/contextRoot</context-root>
>> </sun-web-app>
>> Martin
>> ----- Original Message -----
>> From:
>> To:
>> Sent: Wednesday, March 9, 2011 8:59:30 PM GMT +01:00 Amsterdam / Berlin /
>> Bern / Rome / Stockholm / Vienna
>> Subject: [Jersey] Question about PackagesResourceConfig usage
>> I was trying to try out the approach of deploying my Jersey service by
>> extending  PackagesResourceConfig as is done in Example 2.8 of the User's
>> Guide [1]. My class looks like this:
>> package;
>> public class TestApplication extends PackagesResourceConfig {
>>     public TestApplication() {
>>         super("com.myapp.api");
>>     }
>> }
>> I have a Servlet 3.0 web.xml file, however, it simply contains the <web
>> app .. > element. I also have a 3.0 sun-web.xml which is empty right now
>> save for the DOCTYPE and an empty <sun-web-app> element.
>> My Provider resource class looks like this (some content omitted):
>> @Path("/foo")
>> @Stateless
>> public class FooTest {
>>     @EJB
>>     FooBean aFooBean;
>>     @GET
>>     @Produces(MediaType.APPLICATION_JSON)
>>     @Path("/hw")
>>     public Response getHW() {
>>         return Response.ok("hello, world").build();
>>     }
>> ....
>> I get a 404 when I try to access http://localhost:8080/contextRoot/foo/hw
>> where contextRoot is the cr for my web app. This test code deploys and works
>> fine when I take the servlet 2.5 web.xml approach of using the Jersey
>> ServletContainer servlet.
>> Any hints as to what I am missing with this other approach? Thanks,
>> -Noah
>> [1]
>> -