- 1.0-SNAPSHOT problem
- [Fwd: [Jersey] Junit tests for the extended-wadl-generator sample]
- [Jersey] 1.0-SNAPSHOT problem
- [Jersey] _at_GET, _at_POST... moved to Common Annotations ?
- [Jersey] _at_GET, _at_POST... moved to Common Annotations?
- [Jersey] _at_QueryParam binding with Java Enum
- [Jersey] A bug from Jersey 1.0
- [Jersey] Annotation inheritance & covariant return types?
- [Jersey] Arbitrary path length in service URL
- [Jersey] Attempting to upgrade to 1.0
- [Jersey] best practice for generating unique id in the resources
- [Jersey] Best practices for client specific serialization customization
- [Jersey] Best practices for paging through a large sub resource
- [Jersey] Building web apps, what goes in the web.xml
- [Jersey] CDDL vs. GPL
- [Jersey] Class not found: com.sun.jersey.impl.provider.RuntimeDelegateImpl
- [Jersey] ClassNotFoundException: com/sun/jersey/api/container/ContainerException
- [Jersey] Client API Query Parameters
- [Jersey] Client API: How do you handle faults?
- [Jersey] Client API: Missing Dependency on Java Mail API?
- [Jersey] com.sun.jersey.api.container.ContainerException: Fatal issues found
- [Jersey] com.sun.jersey.impl.uri.UriBuilderImpl.path() throws an unexpected exception
- [Jersey] Custom IDResolver
- [Jersey] Documentation for 1.0
- [Jersey] Does JAX-RS support X-HTTP-Method-Override?
- [Jersey] Dynamic resources
- [Jersey] Enunciate 1.8 Supports JAX-RS
- [Jersey] Filter configuration feature
- [Jersey] Gzip compression filter in 1.0?
- [Jersey] Hello World! and Welcome to jersey-multipart
- [Jersey] How to tell ExceptionMapper to exclude exceptions?
- [Jersey] Idea for new contribution -- a pattern for handling HTTP errors as Java exceptions?
- [Jersey] Interception
- [Jersey] Issues with POST on a sub-resource
- [Jersey] Jersey 1.0 released
- [Jersey] Jersey client and collection resources
- [Jersey] Jersey client and unsigned applet
- [Jersey] Jersey for clients
- [Jersey] Jersey ignores javax.ws.rs.core.Application
- [Jersey] Jersey incorrectly returns 500 on a bad request
- [Jersey] Jersey with JAXB
- [Jersey] jersey-bundle-1.0.jar updated?
- [Jersey] JSON Format
- [Jersey] json-from-jaxb example
- [Jersey] JSR 250 lifecycle mgmt/security annotations (@PostConstruct, @PreDestory) not working?
- [Jersey] MultivaluedMap
- [Jersey] Need Help!. Upgrading from .7 to 1.0
- [Jersey] NPE at com.sun.jersey.spi.container.ContainerRequest
- [Jersey] problem with JAX-WS and JAX-RS annotations in the same class.
- [Jersey] Problem with version 1.0
- [Jersey] Questions about container-item pattern
- [Jersey] Re[Jersey] ading entity body
- [Jersey] redirect
- [Jersey] REMINDER: RESTful Web Services with Prelude Doc Review needed by end-of-day Monday, 10/13 PST
- [Jersey] Response Filter and Exceptions
- [Jersey] restart a resource
- [Jersey] returning an output stream
- [Jersey] Returning error messages
- [Jersey] Scopes should extend a common base-class
- [Jersey] Simplification of Injectable by using ThreadLocal
- [Jersey] Simplifying Jersey life-cycle and IoC integration
- [Jersey] Spec discrepancy w/ Servlet init parameter?
- [Jersey] specify download location in response
- [Jersey] Spring support using Apache logging
- [Jersey] Spring, _at_Singleton resources and thread-safety
- [Jersey] stacktrace prints to stdout
- [Jersey] Suites of Transactions
- [Jersey] Take 2: Using MessageBodyWriters as Providers for an AccountList and an Account object
- [Jersey] Tomcat & Index Pages
- [Jersey] Trying to use JAXB _at_Xml.. with interfaces
- [Jersey] Unit tests and UriInfo
- [Jersey] URI based content negotiation
- [Jersey] Using a Filter instead of a Servlet for Jersey?
- [Jersey] Using Guice with JAX-RS
- [Jersey] Using Jersey Client API v0.8 wth GZIP Compressed stream
- [Jersey] Using MessageBodyWriters as Providers for an AccountList and an Account object
- [Jersey] Using with Suites of Transactions
- [Jersey] When's 1.0 final coming?
- _at_QueryParam binding with Java Enum
- A bug from Jersey 1.0
- Annotation inheritance & covariant return types?
- Arbitrary path length in service URL
- Attempting to upgrade to 1.0
- best practice for generating unique id in the resources
- Best practices for paging through a large sub resource
- Building web apps, what goes in the web.xml
- CDDL vs. GPL
- Changes to Jersey APIs
- Class not found: com.sun.jersey.impl.provider.RuntimeDelegateImpl
- ClassNotFoundException: com/sun/jersey/api/container/ContainerException
- Client API Query Parameters
- Client API: How do you handle faults?
- Client API: Missing Dependency on Java Mail API?
- com.sun.jersey.api.container.ContainerException: Fatal issues found
- Comment: Jersey 1.0 is released
- Dynamic resources
- Enunciate 1.8 Supports JAX-RS
- Evaluation: Reloading of resources
- Filter configuration feature
- Gzip compression filter in 1.0?
- Hello World! and Welcome to jersey-multipart
- Idea for new contribution -- a pattern for handling HTTP errors as Java exceptions?
- Interception
- Issues with POST on a sub-resource
- Jersey 1.0 released
- Jersey client and collection resources
- Jersey client and unsigned applet
- Jersey for clients
- Jersey with JAXB
- JSON Format
- json-from-jaxb example
- JSR 250 lifecycle mgmt/security annotations (_at_PostConstruct, _at_PreDestory) not working?
- Junit tests for the extended-wadl-generator sample
- MultivaluedMap
- Need Help!. Upgrading from .7 to 1.0
- problem with JAX-WS and JAX-RS annotations in the same class.
- Problem with version 1.0
- Questions about container-item pattern
- Re[Jersey] ading entity body
- redirect
- REMINDER: RESTful Web Services with Prelude Doc Review needed by end-of-day Monday, 10/13 PST
- Resource Filter/Interception/Handler
- Response Filter and Exceptions
- returning an output stream
- Returning error messages
- Simplification of Injectable by using ThreadLocal
- Simplifying Jersey life-cycle and IoC integration
- Spec discrepancy w/ Servlet init parameter?
- specify download location in response
- Spring support using Apache logging
- Spring, _at_Singleton resources and thread-safety
- stacktrace prints to stdout
- Take 2: Using MessageBodyWriters as Providers for an AccountList and an Account object
- Tomcat & Index Pages
- Trying to use JAXB _at_Xml.. with interfaces
- URI based content negotiation
- Using MessageBodyWriters as Providers for an AccountList and an Account object
- When's 1.0 final coming?
- Last message date: Tue Oct 28 05:00:36 2008
- Archived on: Thu Aug 10 15:14:47 2017 PDT