Re: [Jersey] restart a resource

From: Guilhem <>
Date: Fri, 17 Oct 2008 11:58:37 +0200

I can't use the following line:


ContextInjectableProvider has private access in

Paul Sandoz a écrit :
> On Oct 17, 2008, at 10:14 AM, Guilhem wrote:
>> hi paul,
>> first I'm not using spring but yes all my resources are singletons.
> Ah! I reproduced the same issue in a different context. I just
> reproduced what you observe using singleton instances explicitly
> added. The problem is the singleton instance is retaining the old
> reference on the field. When reloading the old instance of
> ConfigurationService needs to be removed from the singleton and a new
> one added.
> But i just noticed another issue, the reload application is doing:
> WebApplication _application = create();
> configure(config, resourceConfig, _application);
> initiate(resourceConfig, _application);
> application = _application;
> which is wrong, i think reload should just do:
> WebApplication _application = create();
> initiate(resourceConfig, _application);
> application = _application;
> which is why you require the boolean variable (but still see the issue
> with the old reference). Also i think configure should no longer have
> WebApplication passed in as a parameter to the method.
> Perhaps i was being too smart proposing the use of a singleton
> resource and instead it may be more appropriate to inject a
> ContainerNotifier implementation as follows in the Servlet configure
> method:
> rc.getSingletons().add(new
> ContextInjectableProvider<ContainerNotifierImpl>(
> ContainerNotifierImpl.class, cnImpl));
> and in your ConfigurationService do:
> @Path("reload")
> public class ConfigurationService {
> @Context ContainerNotifierImpl cn;
> @Context UriInfo u;
> @POST public void reload() {
> cn.reload();
> }
> }
> Then you will not get any old reference issues.
>> i'm using the :
>> @Context
>> protected UriInfo context;
>> MultivaluedMap parameters = context.getQueryParameters();
>> to get a GET parameters like: request=restart or whatever in all my
>> singletons.
>> the weird thing is that all the other resources restarted does not
>> throw the illegalStateException by getting parameters, only the
>> reloadResource launch this.
> OK.
>> for 2), It seems that the resources are well destroyed and
>> re-instanciated (They all pass in constructor).
>> when you say fields for injection you means that : @Context Protected
>> UriInfo context ?
> Yes.
> Paul.
>> Guilhem
>> Paul Sandoz a écrit :
>>> Hi Guilhem,
>>> This was a bit of a head scratcher. I am guessing you are using a
>>> Singleton resource with Spring?
>>> The problem is the reference held by the field on the singleton
>>> resource is longer valid after the reloading. This is because
>>> reloading will cause the web application to create new references
>>> for injection, which invalidates any previously help references.
>>> This is a general problem for singletons whose instances are
>>> controlled outside of Jersey and for which injection is performed.
>>> When Jersey performs injection it will not overwrite anything with a
>>> non-null value.
>>> Three possible ways to directly resolve this:
>>> 1) Don't use fields for injection;
>>> 2) The reload functionality you have implemented needs to destroy
>>> the singletons so that they are re-
>>> instantiated; or
>>> 3) Jersey is modified inject on non-null values.
>>> I am not comfortable supporting 3) or doing something more
>>> complicated around sharing state or detecting reloads and working
>>> around the issues. In this case i think 2) is required.
>>> Of course the better approach is to support richer notification
>>> events on changes to resource classes: removal, addition and class
>>> modification. Changes to provider classes may be more problematic...
>>> Paul.
>>> On Oct 16, 2008, at 6:20 PM, Guilhem wrote:
>>>> Hi,
>>>> i put in place the mecanism described previously, everything
>>>> working well until i realized that i can restart my WS only one
>>>> time before getting a IllegalStateException:
>>>> i just change some pieces of code to get this working :
>>>> - my resource ReloadResource (ConfigurationService) implementing
>>>> ContainerNotifier is not in the same class that the servletContainer.
>>>> - i had to put a boolean flag to add the reload resource only one
>>>> time (i got an exception else) :
>>>> public class CstlServletContainer extends ServletContainer {
>>>> public static boolean reload = false;
>>>> @Override
>>>> protected void configure(final ServletConfig sc, ResourceConfig
>>>> rc, WebApplication wa) {
>>>> super.configure(sc, rc, wa);
>>>> ConfigurationService configService = new ConfigurationService();
>>>> if (!reload) {
>>>> rc.getSingletons().add(configService);
>>>> }
>>>> reload = true;
>>>> rc.getProperties().put(ResourceConfig.PROPERTY_CONTAINER_NOTIFIER,
>>>> configService);
>>>> }
>>>> }
>>>> so the first time the restart works well when i do this (you can
>>>> see that i don't want to restart my reloadResource in order to send
>>>> a xml result when the operation is ended):
>>>> ...................
>>>> for ( ContainerListener cl : cls) {
>>>> if (!cl.equals(this))
>>>> cl.onReload();
>>>> }
>>>> .....................
>>>> and the second time i call this method i get an
>>>> illegalstateException when i trying to get a parameter in this line :
>>>> .....................
>>>> @Context
>>>> protected UriInfo context;
>>>> ......................
>>>> line 352: final MultivaluedMap parameters =
>>>> context.getQueryParameters();
>>>> ................
>>>> exception:
>>>> java.lang.IllegalStateException
>>>> com.sun.jersey.impl.ThreadLocalHttpContext.getUriInfo(
>>>> com.sun.jersey.impl.application.WebApplicationImpl$2.invoke(
>>>> $Proxy7.getQueryParameters(Unknown Source)
>>>> Is someone know you know why i'm getting this exception?
>>>> Guilhem Legal
>>>> Paul Sandoz a écrit :
>>>>> On Oct 3, 2008, at 2:23 PM, Guilhem wrote:
>>>>>> hi,
>>>>>> i follow the tutorial i 've found at
>>>>>> this works well, but I don't see how to use this with tomcat
>>>>>> instead of a lightWebContainer.
>>>>> You can extend the ServletContainer to register a container
>>>>> notifier. You need to add an instance of ContainerNotifier to to
>>>>> the resource config properties
>>>>> Override the configure methods to do something like this:
>>>>> protected void configure(final ServletConfig sc,
>>>>> ResourceConfig rc, WebApplication wa) {
>>>>> super.configure(sc, rc, wa);
>>>>> ContainerNotifier cn = ....
>>>>> rc.getProperties().put(esourceConfig.PROPERTY_CONTAINER_NOTIFIER,
>>>>> cn);
>>>>> }
>>>>>> more, the resource are reloaded only when the classes are changed.
>>>>>> For my application I want to make a JSF interface with a button
>>>>>> "reload" which restart all the resources (i had prefer only
>>>>>> selected resource but it seems to be unpossible).
>>>>> Yes, currently it is not possible reload a single resource. Do you
>>>>> want to log an issue?
>>>>> It sounds like you want to have a another resource that triggers a
>>>>> reload.
>>>>> You could have a singleton resource instance you add to the
>>>>> singletons of ResourceConfig at configuration time that has the
>>>>> instance of the ContainerNotifier, then when a POST method is sent
>>>>> to that resource it can perform a reload.
>>>>> protected void configure(final ServletConfig sc,
>>>>> ResourceConfig rc, WebApplication wa) {
>>>>> super.configure(sc, rc, wa);
>>>>> ReloadResource rr = new ReloadResource(cn);
>>>>> rc.getSingletons().add(rr);
>>>>> rc.getProperties().put(esourceConfig.PROPERTY_CONTAINER_NOTIFIER,
>>>>> rr);
>>>>> }
>>>>> ....
>>>>> @Path("reload")
>>>>> public class ReloadResource implements ContainerNotifier {
>>>>> List<ContainerListener> cls;
>>>>> ...
>>>>> @POST void reload() {
>>>>> for (ContainerListener cl : cls) cl.onReload();
>>>>> }
>>>>> }
>>>>> Alternatively you could create an injectable provider to inject
>>>>> the registered container notifier.
>>>>>> is there any tutorial which help me to do this?
>>>>> Unfortunately not :-(
>>>>> Paul.
>>>>>> Guilhem Legal
>>>>>> Paul Sandoz a écrit :
>>>>>>> On Sep 24, 2008, at 4:42 PM, Guilhem wrote:
>>>>>>>> hi,
>>>>>>>> I would know if its possible to dynamically restart a resource
>>>>>>>> without having to undeploy/deploy or restart the container?
>>>>>>> It is currently only possible to reload all resources. What
>>>>>>> happens is a new web application is created, configured and
>>>>>>> initiated.
>>>>>>> See the JavaDoc of the class:
>>>>>>> com.sun.jersey.spi.container.ContainerNotifier
>>>>>>> to register a notifier that may reload the container.
>>>>>>> I have used this in conjunction with JavaRebel. When JavaRebel
>>>>>>> detects changes to class files i have a hook in that to
>>>>>>> dynamically reload things using a ContainerNotifier without
>>>>>>> having to undeploy/deploy the web application.
>>>>>>> Does that work for you?
>>>>>>> Paul.
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