Re: [Jersey] Using Guice with JAX-RS

From: Gili <>
Date: Thu, 2 Oct 2008 07:31:13 -0700 (PDT)

In other words, Spring can inject the fields just fine but later on when
Jersey needs an instance some time later on it wouldn't know how to get it?
This mechanism ensures that the instances are registered both with Jersey
and with Spring?

So anyway, I'd need the same mechanism for Guice, right?

I also don't understand why we need a separate "GuiceNamedInjectable
implements InjectableProvider<Named, Type>". Why couldn't
GuiceComponentProvider handle those as well?


Paul Sandoz wrote:
> On Oct 2, 2008, at 2:23 PM, Gili wrote:
>> Sorry, can you give an example code sniplet of the kind of code it
>> picks up?
>> Wouldn't Spring pick up fields annotated with Spring-annotations
>> anyway?
> Yes, but Jersey needs to perform injection as well and that depends on
> the life-cycle. At the end of the email is code for the getInstance
> method of the PerRequestProvider. Notice how it defers to the
> ComponentProvider to get the instance that it can inject on.
> The SpringResourceProvider is mapping @Scope annotations to the Jersey
> ResourceProvider so the developer does not have to declare @Scope and
> Jersey-based annotations.
> Paul.
> public Object getInstance(ComponentProvider provider, HttpContext
> context) {
> try {
> Object o = null;
> if (constructor == null) {
> o = provider.getInstance(Scope.PerRequest, c);
> } else {
> final Object[] params = new
> Object[constructorInjectableParams.size()];
> int index = 0;
> for (Injectable i : constructorInjectableParams) {
> params[index++] = (i != null) ?
> i.getValue(context) : null;
> }
> o = provider.getInstance(Scope.PerRequest,
> constructor, params);
> }
> rci.inject(context, provider.getInjectableInstance(o));
> return o;
> } catch (InstantiationException ex) {
> throw new ContainerException("Unable to create resource",
> ex);
> } catch (IllegalAccessException ex) {
> throw new ContainerException("Unable to create resource",
> ex);
> } catch (InvocationTargetException ex) {
> Throwable t = ex.getTargetException();
> if (t instanceof RuntimeException) {
> // Rethrow the runtime exception
> throw (RuntimeException)t;
> } else {
> // TODO should a checked exception be wrapped in
> // WebApplicationException ?
> throw new ContainerException("Unable to create
> resource", t);
> }
> }
> }
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