Best practices for paging through a large sub resource

From: Grazi, Victor <>
Date: Wed, 8 Oct 2008 12:42:15 -0400

Does the scope of this group allow questions on best practices?

I am wondering from a ROA point of view, how to handle this case:

I want to get a sub-resource with many records, for example:
In the client application, these will be displayed 20 companies at a
time, a count that is configurable by the user.

I would like to divide the request into pages so as not to require
returning all 500 pages at a time.

1. Is each page a different sub resource? That would be structured as:
/resources/portfolios/SandP500/page2 etc?

That makes it difficult to configure per user, if they want to change
that to 25 results at a time, etc, it would not scale.

2. Or do we make it one resource and pass in paging parameters

That makes it difficult to use a caching strategy with conditional gets.
If I already cached companies 1 thru 20 and the resource did not change,
but now I need 21 thru 30, it requires the client to manage the
conditional get?

I guess the second approach makes the most sense - the client checks the
cache before deciding to make a conditional request, but is that the
best practice recommendation for this use case? It has a slight smell.

Is there a better suggestion?

Thanks, Victor

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