[Jersey] Using with Suites of Transactions

From: Giacovelli, Greg <>
Date: Wed, 1 Oct 2008 08:45:47 -0700

After using Jersey for a few months, I have hit some stumbling blocks. Let's say there is a web application with N resources. Each resource adheres to a common format. I.e. Each txn must have a version identifier. From what I can understand from the specification, the 2 ways to achieve this is to make sure you list out the required attributes in every method signature, or to create an abstract Resource that has a constructor that takes the required attributes that all the resources inherit from. This is essentially using inheritance to enforce a constraint (If I am missing something, please stop me now :) ).

This gets tricky as you add more suites. If two or more suites have to cross, you are halted.
I was wondering if there was a way to define a suite and annotate a resource as being part of a particular suite or suites. Then through use of a Context annotation, a bean can be made available with the data desired (some interface that the suite definition defines). I know this seems like more of a gripe with the jsr than Jersey but was wondering if it at least is a sound concern.

Please let me know if I am unclear or just talking non-sense.


-Greg Giacovelli