Hi Reece,
A 204 implies that the response is getting to something... hard to say
without more information.
Can you send some example code that works for you in 0.9? and the
classpath or pom that you are using.?
On Oct 17, 2008, at 2:42 AM, Reece Garrett wrote:
> Hello all,
> I have a fairly straight forward spring app using Jersey version 0.9-
> ea. But when I switched over to version 1.0 all of my requests (GET,
> POST, PUT, DELETE) return 204 even if the URL is not valid. The
> other odd thing is when I use the OPTIONS header I do get the proper
> WADL for the resources. According to the logs jersey is picking up
> all of my resources and the requests are getting to the server
> (otherwise I wouldn't be able to get the wadl) but I never make it
> into the resource methods.
> Again, the only variable is the version of jersey. Everything works
> great with 0.9-ea but my requests just return 204 with version 1.0.
> Any suggestions?
> Thanks,
> -Reece
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