Re: [Jersey] Documentation for 1.0

From: tarjei <>
Date: Thu, 02 Oct 2008 13:45:48 +0200

Hash: SHA1

I actually forgot one point.

The section on query params is generally very good, but what happens if
you do not define a default for a queryparam?

public String getSomething(@QueryParam("test") Integer test) {
// what is the value of test now?

tarjei wrote:
> Hi, this looks very good!
> Paul Sandoz wrote:
>> First complete draft done:
> Trying to be the devils advocate with regard to the above document, I
> came up with a few inputs:
> 1. Maybe some of the examples should be methods for a PUT or HEAD
> request - just to show that they are treated the same?
> 2. An example of a a POST handling file upload would probably be a good
> idea.
> 3. In the same way, maybe an example showing how to return a binary file
> , something like:
> @GET
> @Path("/images/{image}")
> @Produces("*/*")
> public Response getImage(@PathParam("image") String image) {
> File f = new File(image);
> if (!f.exists()) {
> // File is not present
> log.error("No file " + f.getAbsolutePath() + "present in the
> database");
> throw new WebApplicationException(404);
> }
> String mt = null;
> InputStream in = null;
> try {
> mt = new MimetypesFileTypeMap().getContentType(f);
> in = new BufferedInputStream(new FileInputStream(f));
> } catch (FileNotFoundException e) {
> throw new WebApplicationException(404);
> }
> Response r = Response.ok(in).type(mt).build();
> return r;
> }
> 4. Is there a difference between @PATH("/test" and @PATH("/test/") and
> @PATH("test/") ? If not, state that - and if there is explain it :)
> Hmm, maybe there should be way to test anotations? Something like:
> JerseyTest jersey = new JerseyTest(new myResource());
> Response r = jersey.request(JerseyTest.GET, "/someurl");
> ? I'm not sure if it is a good idea, but right now annotations are a bit
> like untestable code.
> 5. One thing I feel is missing is some hints on the relationship between
> a representation and JAXB. This might be because I'm a JAXB newbie, but
> that is an area where there is a lot of "magic" so to explain it fully
> might be a good idea - probably with a small example like:
> class User {
> String username;
> }
> @PATH("/")
> class MyResource {
> @GET
> User getUser(){}
> User updateUser(User user) {}
> }
> ...
> + an example of what the client may post to modify this user.
> Ok, I guess this is quite a lot, but my last point is more general for a
> lot of java documentation: The classes referenced in the text should be
> links so that it is possible to quickly find the javadoc of a special
> class.
> Apart from that, good work !
> I hope this isn't too overwhelming - also I might have missed something
> in the docs.
> Kind regards,
> Tarjei
>> Paul.
>> On Sep 29, 2008, at 6:04 PM, Paul Sandoz wrote:
>>> Hi,
>>> I have started filling out a brief overview of JAX-RS 1.0:
>>> in preparation for the 1.0 release.
>>> I plan to do two more:
>>> 1) An over of advanced JAX-RS 1.0 features
>>> 2) An overview of Jersey features.
>>> Feel free to provide feedback. Do people find this sort of thing useful?
>>> Paul.
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