Hi Paul:
I just downloaded and installed Netbeans 6.5 RC1. It looks like it
includes JSR 311/Jersey 1.0. But I was getting compilation errors in
my code, and in the libraries for the project:
if the attached image does not appear in the email, it shows JAX-RS
1.0 - jsr311-api.jar, and within the jaxax.ws.rs package, it is
showing the annotation classes called ConsumeMime and ProduceMime
rather than Consumes and Produces. This looks like 0.8 level stuff. I
did check for updates, and I'm told my IDE is up to date.
On Oct 14, 2008, at 12:51 AM, Paul.Sandoz_at_Sun.Com wrote:
> Paul Sandoz wrote:
> @Araron, @Jeff, thanks very much for the kind feedback.
> Re: NetBeans. I don't know if NB 6.1 will have plugin support for
> Jersey 1.0, i will check. The only way to currently get the latest
> plugin bits is via the NB 6.5 development builds.
> You can modify a dependent NB project to use the Jersey 1.0
> artifacts in your library settings. However, there have been API
> changes from 0.8 to 1.0 and the NB 6.1 plugin will be affected by
> those changes (e.g. @ProduceMime in 0.8 is now @Produces in 1.0).
> ----
> Respond to this comment at:
> http://blogs.sun.com/sandoz/entry/jersey_1_0_is_released#comments
Jeff Schmidt