On Oct 23, 2008, at 1:39 AM, Gili wrote:
> So... hmm... this feels like a dumb question, but how am I supposed
> to read
> the entity body? I know you use MessageBodyReader/Writer to read/
> write Java
> classes into the body but I don't think this is what I'm looking for.
> I want to read some XML from the body of a HTTP POST and based on its
> content I will either create a new database entry or update an
> existing
> entry. The xml doesn't necessarily have to provide all fields (i.e. if
> you're renaming an existing database entry).
What XML API do you want to use?
You want to use POST for partial update?
> Am I supposed to use @Context HttpServerRequest and read the
> InputStream
> that way?
You can just use InputStream directly.
@POST void post(InputStream in) { ... }
Or you can use JAXB, or DOM:
@POST void post(javax.xml.transform.dom.DOMSource ds) { ... }
> Also, how is MessageBodyReader supposed to know what class type is
> on the
> stream before actually consuming that stream?
MessageBodyReader instances are associated with a Java type and media
type. They are responsible for producing an instance of the Java type
from a sequence of bytes. It is up to the application developer to
declare the Java type as a parameter of the resource method. When
required Jersey will select the most appropriate reader based on the
Java type and media type.
> Does JAX-RS write something
> proprietary onto the HTTP headers or body to this end or is the
> Provider in
> full control of what's getting written?
No. The application developer is in control of the Java type and media
type, which results in the selection of the most appropriate
> Doesn't this mechanism assume that
> servers and clients will share the same MessageBodyReader/Writer
> implementation?
> Is there such a thing as a JAX-RS client (I was under the
> impression JAX-RS only defines server-end stuff)?
JAX-RS is only server-side. Jersey defines a client-side, that reuses
message body readers/writers: