Yes, it was the wrong version of the jsr311 jar. Basicially, my pom
file needs a tidy. At one point in the project I was compiling the
jersey trunk and placing the jar in a local repo - my project pom
file had explicit references to jsr311, asm and a couple of other
dependencies to ensure jersey started. I'll tidy up the pom!
Thanks for the help and sorry for my stupidity :-)
2008/10/14 Paul Sandoz <>:
> On Oct 13, 2008, at 11:47 PM, Craig McClanahan wrote:
>> Mike Jones wrote:
>>> Hello
>>> I've got a project that uses Jersey and Spring and I'm attempting to
>>> upgrade Jersey from 0.8 to 1.0. I use embedded jetty in tests and a
>>> demo module. After updating the version of Jersey to 1.0 I now get the
>>> stack trace detailed below.
>> The NoClassDefFound exception sounds like a missing jar file. What JARs
>> do you have in your WEB-INF/lib directory?
> My guess: there is an old copy of the 311 jar, version 0.8.
> Paul.
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