Re: [Jersey] Idea for new contribution -- a pattern for handling HTTP errors as Java exceptions?

From: Craig McClanahan <Craig.McClanahan_at_Sun.COM>
Date: Fri, 24 Oct 2008 10:23:18 -0700

Julio Faerman wrote:
> Very intersting, something like that would be really helpful.
> I just question the use of exception when there are multiple errors.
> For example if i have 5 unparseable fields or 10 invalid records in a
> batch. To handle this properly with exceptions, i think it would
> require a weird "CompositeException".
In all cases, I'm thinking that the entity body could contain more than
one "message" element (one corresponding to each error). However,
instead of needing a composite exception for this, my
ValidationException explicitly allows you (the server code) to specify
any number of individual messages ... each of them optionally tagged to
a "field name". So you can still do the whole thing, at least for
validation errors, with a single exception.

If we need composites, it could probably be modelled that way -- I just
haven't run into any use cases in our server code yet where we needed
that. But I haven't tried doing batch type processing where there are
multiple independent transactions in a single request. Maybe a
multipart response could deal with that?
