- 404's returned
- [Fwd: [ANN] Atmosphere 0.2 GA released!]
- [Jersey] 404's returned
- [Jersey] _at_GET and _at_Context HttpServletRequest
- [Jersey] about inject one object
- [Jersey] Can I make JSONConfiguration ignore _at_XmlElementWrapper and @XmlElements
- [Jersey] Can I make JSONConfiguration ignore _at_XmlElementWrapper and _at_XmlElements
- [Jersey] Can we make application.wadl to return correct content type?
- [Jersey] Cannot Instantiate new provider
- [Jersey] Cannot more _at_provider classes
- [Jersey] chaining resources.
- [Jersey] Commenting out snapshotRepository from pom.xml
- [Jersey] Concurrency issue?
- [Jersey] Custom inject provider
- [Jersey] Custom Parameter Binding
- [Jersey] Disable jax-b wadl
- [Jersey] Documenting RESTful Web API's
- [Jersey] EJB 3.1 & JAX-RS
- [Jersey] Enhanced Guice-Jersey integration
- [Jersey] exception mapping
- [Jersey] ExceptionMapper class not working
- [Jersey] extension custom negotiation
- [Jersey] FastInfoSet cannot handle array return type?
- [Jersey] GET rest service throwing exceptions
- [Jersey] How can I make Inflecter to capitalize initial
- [Jersey] How To ? POST to Generated Resources with 1-N relationship ????
- [Jersey] How to customize ExceptionMapper's response format
- [Jersey] how to generate WADL:Fault elements for exceptions?
- [Jersey] IDE/web application restart
- [Jersey] is 1.1.0-ea production ready?
- [Jersey] Jackson provider and Maps
- [Jersey] java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Error parsing media type
- [Jersey] Jaxb cdata
- [Jersey] JAXB not working
- [Jersey] JBoss5 problem with Jersey 1.0.3
- [Jersey] Jersey & ACEGI
- [Jersey] Jersey + OSGI Integration
- [Jersey] Jersey 1.0.3 POM files and guiceyfruit
- [Jersey] Jersey 1.0.3 released
- [Jersey] Jersey as pure OSGi bundles
- [Jersey] Jersey build error
- [Jersey] Jersey Client at JavaFX ??
- [Jersey] Jersey Client: BASIC Authentication support
- [Jersey] Jersey performance
- [Jersey] Jersey register only one class to JAXB marshaller at a time
- [Jersey] jersey site
- [Jersey] Jersey-Guice is injecting nulls
- [Jersey] jersey/REST for a chat
- [Jersey] JSON and abstract class
- [Jersey] json object value string has extra quotes, jsonp, service chaining
- [Jersey] JSON Unmarshalling Issue
- [Jersey] JsonGenerationException: Can not write text value, expecting field name
- [Jersey] JSONObjectProvider doesn't check media type
- [Jersey] Lift support for Jersey checked into trunk
- [Jersey] MIMEParsingException: Missing start boundary?
- [Jersey] Multipart 1.0.3 not finding message body reader
- [Jersey] mvn install on a fresh checkout fails
- [Jersey] Nested hierarchies of arbitrary depth
- [Jersey] next steps
- [Jersey] not-working custom provider in Jersey 1.1 (?)
- [Jersey] OAuth for Jersey, is ther eany example ?
- [Jersey] Performance of ContainerRequestFilter implementation
- [Jersey] Post binary, xml, json
- [Jersey] POST FormData
- [Jersey] POST is not working when body is provided
- [Jersey] Problems with Paths and FreeMarker TemplateProcessor
- [Jersey] Problems with Paths and FreeMarkerTemplateProcessor
- [Jersey] Providers
- [Jersey] QueryParam not injected
- [Jersey] Redirecting paths that do not end in /
- [Jersey] regarding issue 238 (FormDataMultiPart exceeds heap space for large files)
- [Jersey] Resource injection
- [Jersey] Resource Management through nested sub-locators
- [Jersey] Resource Subclass
- [Jersey] Selecting subrule by _at_QueryParam
- [Jersey] sending a byte stream to client
- [Jersey] Serve Resources in Jersey Web-App
- [Jersey] Spring Jersey Integration
- [Jersey] struts to jersey app
- [Jersey] Trouble with backslashes using _at_Path annotations
- [Jersey] two different parameters for PUT method
- [Jersey] Unmarshalling List of strings
- [Jersey] Using Jersey on Android
- [Jersey] Using the _at_Head method when a corresponding _at_GET method is defined with same resource URL
- [Jersey] web application resource root class in WEB-INF/lib
- [Jersey] Weird exception: java.lang.BindException: Address already in use.
- [Jersey] Whats the best way to get the raw input before jersey server binds them into java objects
- [Jersey] Whats the best way to get the raw input before jerseyserver binds them into java objects
- [Jersey] X-HTTP-Method-Override
- _at_GET and _at_Context HttpServletRequest
- about inject one object
- Away on holiday from 1st to 8th of July
- Can I make JSONConfiguration ignore _at_XmlElementWrapper and @XmlElements
- Cannot Instantiate new provider
- chaining resources.
- com.sun.jersey.api.client.UniformInterfaceException: returned a response status of 407
- Commenting out snapshotRepository from pom.xml
- Consuming requests with or without an entity
- Custom Parameter Binding
- delimiter for QueryParam using List<T>
- Disable jax-b wadl
- EJB 3.1 & JAX-RS
- Enhanced Guice-Jersey integration
- exception mapping
- ExceptionMapper class not working
- extension custom negotiation
- GET rest service throwing exceptions
- How To ? POST to Generated Resources with 1-N relationship ????
- how to generate WADL:Fault elements for exceptions?
- IDE/web application restart
- If a resource (or provider?) throws a ClassCastException, users get the exception "non-HTTP request or response"
- is 1.1.0-ea production ready?
- Jackson provider and Maps
- java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Error parsing media type
- JAXB + JPA together (part I)
- Jaxb cdata
- JAXB not working
- Jersey + OSGI Integration
- Jersey as pure OSGi bundles
- Jersey build error
- Jersey Client at JavaFX ??
- Jersey Client Uploading Files
- Jersey Client: BASIC Authentication support
- Jersey performance
- jersey site
- jersey/REST for a chat
- JSON namespace support and the Jersey release
- json object value string has extra quotes, jsonp, service chaining
- JSON Unmarshalling Issue
- JsonGenerationException: Can not write text value, expecting field name
- JSONObjectProvider doesn't check media type
- Lift support for Jersey checked into trunk
- META-INF/services/jersey-*-components
- mvn install on a fresh checkout fails
- Nested hierarchies of arbitrary depth
- next steps
- not-working custom provider in Jersey 1.1 (?)
- OAuth for Jersey, is ther eany example ?
- OSGi'ified 311 jar
- Pattern for sub-resources with injection and arguments
- Performance of ContainerRequestFilter implementation
- Post binary, xml, json
- POST FormData
- POST is not working when body is provided
- Problem getting multipart data
- Problems with Paths and FreeMarker TemplateProcessor
- Problems with Paths and FreeMarkerTemplateProcessor
- Providers
- Pushing the release of 1.1.1-ea to the 10th July.
- QueryParam not injected
- Redirecting paths that do not end in /
- Resource injection
- Resource Management through nested sub-locators
- Selecting subrule by _at_QueryParam
- sending a byte stream to client
- Spring Jersey Integration
- struts to jersey app
- Trouble with backslashes using _at_Path annotations
- two different parameters for PUT method
- Unmarshalling List of strings
- Using Jersey on Android
- Using the _at_Head method when a corresponding _at_GET method is defined with same resource URL
- web application resource root class in WEB-INF/lib
- Weird exception: java.lang.BindException: Address already in use.
- Whats the best way to get the raw input before jersey server binds them into java objects
- Whats the best way to get the raw input before jersey server binds them into java objects?
- X-HTTP-Method-Override
- Last message date: Thu Jun 25 01:25:53 2009
- Archived on: Thu Aug 10 15:14:47 2017 PDT