RE: [Jersey] Resource injection

From: Turner, George <>
Date: Fri, 05 Jun 2009 14:12:41 -0600

Thanks Paul,


Mark Rabick responded with a nick piece of code using a Provider class
that was pretty close and I have included the modified code for other
user if they wish it. The only trick of this code is that it requires a
web.xml entry because the lookup for a local EJB doesn't seem to work
without it.


Web.xml -------








 * EJB Dependency Injection Provider. This class will inject the

 * remote bean using the {_at_link javax.ejb.EJB} annotation.



public class EJBProvider implements InjectableProvider<EJB, Type>




   * @return The scope instance.

   * @see com.sun.jersey.spi.inject.InjectableProvider#getScope()


  public ComponentScope getScope()


    return ComponentScope.Singleton;




   * @param cc The current component context.

   * @param ejb The current annotated EJB.

   * @param t The type of the annotated ejb interface.

   * @return An injectable instance of the EJB remote.

   * @see
y.core.spi.component.ComponentContext, java.lang.annotation.Annotation,


  public Injectable<Object> getInjectable(ComponentContext cc, EJB ejb,
Type t)


    if (!(t instanceof Class))


      return null;





      Class<?> c = (Class<?>) t;


      Context ic = new InitialContext();

      String simpleName = c.getSimpleName();

      final Object o = ic.lookup("java:comp/env/ejb/" + simpleName);


      return new Injectable<Object>()


        public Object getValue()


          return o;




    catch (Exception e)



      return null;






From: Paul.Sandoz_at_Sun.COM [mailto:Paul.Sandoz_at_Sun.COM]
Sent: Friday, June 05, 2009 13:20
Subject: Re: [Jersey] Resource injection


Hi George,


It is not ready yet. Basically i am waiting for JSR-299 and managed
beans support in Glassfish v3 (since i do not want to re-implement


You can if you wish utilize GuiceyFruit:


and the Jersey Guice support to get support for @EJB etc.




On Jun 5, 2009, at 9:52 AM, Turner, George wrote:


I am just asking whether normal EJB 3.0 resource injection is available
yet on a Jersey service class? Everything I read looks like all RI is
through method parameters, and I would really like to just put a


  @Resource(name = "jdbc/dataSource")

  private DataSource dataSource;


or a



  private AuditDataService auditSvc;


or even a



  private ValidationService validationService;


But I have not found ANY ability to do this yet. I think I read
somewhere that this was coming by making these classes to be able to be
recognized by the container as managed classes, but looking through the
1.1.0-ea still looks like it isn't there yet. Am I missing



