Problems with Paths and FreeMarker TemplateProcessor

From: Jonathan Cook - FM&T <>
Date: Wed, 10 Jun 2009 16:55:33 +0100


I would very much appreciate some help.

I am trying to get a simple FreeMarkerTemplateProcessor setup and have
read the following useful blog
and a couple of other posts.

But I am having some problems actually resolving the template. I have a
directory in my project called Resouces/freemarkertemplates and I have
put a very simple test.ftl template in that directory:

<h2>Hello World</h2>

This is my FreemarkerTemplateProcessor: (its a bit hacked as just want
to get something working)

public class FreemarkerTemplateProcessor implements TemplateProcessor {
 private static final Logger log =
 private Configuration config;
 private synchronized void init() {
   config = new Configuration();
"Resources/freemarkertemplates" );
  } catch(Exception e){
   log.error("Error loading template directory", e);
 public String resolve(String path) {
  if (this.config == null) {
  final String filePath = path.endsWith( "ftl" ) ? path : path + ".ftl";
  log.debug("Path= "+filePath);
  try {
   if (config.getTemplate(path) == null){
    return null;
  } catch (IOException e) {
   return null;
  return filePath;
 public void writeTo(String resolvedPath, Object object, OutputStream
   throws IOException {
  /*Map<String, Object> model = new HashMap<String, Object>();
  model.put("resource", object); */
  try {
   this.config.getTemplate(resolvedPath).process(object, new
  } catch (TemplateException e) {
   throw new WebApplicationException(e);

Then a simple resource:
public class FootballIncludePathGeneratorResource {
        private static final Logger log =
        public String id = "Hello";
    public Viewable getBlank() {
        return new Viewable( "/test.ftl", this );

But I get an error when running this and going to the page:
2009-06-10 16:40:25,540 DEBUG [btpool0-1]
resources.FreemarkerTemplateProcessor - Path= /test.ftl
2009-06-10 16:40:25,540 DEBUG [btpool0-1] freemarker.cache - Could not
find template in cache, creating new one;
id=[test.ftl[en_GB,Cp1252,parsed] ] Template /test.ftl not found.

I have tried various alternatives like passing in different paths to the
/Resources/freemarkertemplates/test.ftl and also tried just passing in
test.ftl and putting the the test.ftl in the same directory as the
resource but that doesn't work. I also tried using
setDirectoryForTemplateLoading but that didn't work either. Maybe it is
something along this line though?

The Resources/freemarkertemplates dir is on the classpath:
<classpathentry kind="lib" path="Resources/freemarkertemplates"/>

There must be a way to sort this out I'm hoping?
