On Jun 11, 2009, at 10:02 AM, Jonathan Cook - FM&T wrote:
> Hi Paul,
> Thanks for the comments. I'd seen Chris's blog entry as well. I
> eventually got it working after stepping through the Freemarker
> source. It was a
> little bit weird as the path in my unit test was working but when I
> put the same path into my FreemarkerTemplateProcessor it didn't work
> but after
> changing this path everything was ok so a bit of a red herring in
> the end.
> One other quick question, you might remember, we're using Jetty with
> Jersey so I have this line of code:
> servletHolder
> .setInitParameter("com.sun.ws.rest.config.property.packages",
> "com.bbc.newsi.feeds.sport.webservice.football.resources");
You can do one of two things:
1) include the package name where your freemarker template processor
i.e. more than one package can be declared using ";" to separate the
package names.
2) Create a META-INF/services/
com.sun.jersey.spi.template.TemplateProcessor, and add
the fully qualified class name of your TemplateProcessor
implementation to that file.
> But I didn't want to put my FreemarkerTemplateProcessor in that
> resources package, it would live outside of football. Is it possible
> to register
> the providers some other way or specify multiple packages. I didn't
> really want to use the the * notation as we have other resources not
> specific to
> football that I don't want to register with this instance if that
> makes sense.
> Maybe when I've finished what I'm working on it might be useful to
> add this as an example?
Yes, i would be very happy to accept such a contribution :-)
> I'd be quite keen to contribute and have recently been
> contributing to apache camel as well. You might be intersted to know
> as well I did some work which generates graphical sports statistics
> dynamically
> on the fly using Jersey as well.
Cool! any links?