RE: [Jersey] Trouble with backslashes using _at_Path annotations

From: Tim Edwards <>
Date: Thu, 4 Jun 2009 15:38:43 +0100

I think this is a server issue, so it depends on what server you are
using. I tried this on my app (which has a similar PathParam) which is
using Grizzly as the server and got the same results as you describe.
Looking into it, a GrizzlyAdapter has the setAllowEncodedSlash() method
which is used when decoding the uri, when false (the default) it will
treat a uri with a slash as being incorrect and return a 400 error.
However, setting this to true has no effect as there appears to be an
issue in the code. The offending class seems to be UDecoder which will
use the value of the system property
"com.sun.grizzly.util.buf.UDecoder.ALLOW_ENCODED_SLASH" when called by
the GrizzlyAdapter (via the HttpRequestURiDecoder) but if you set that
system property to true, then Grizzly throws an error on every request.
Unless I'm missing something, I don't see an obvious way around this.
But if you are not using Grizzly, there may be a setting on your server
that will help.


        From: City Link Web Development Team
        Sent: 04 June 2009 14:27
        Subject: [Jersey] Trouble with backslashes using @Path
        Hope anyone can help with this...?
        We have a bit of code like this:
        public class TrackingResource
            @Path("/{tracking_id :.+ }")
            public TrackingConverter
getConsignment(@PathParam("tracking_id") String trackingId
        which we need to catch *any* character as a variable trackingId.
The characters ARE being escaped and all of them work except for \
(backslash). Even forward slash works ok. Backslash never resolves to
the function and we just get a blank page come up, no 404, no server
things logged.
        Going to /test%5C fails, when I'd expect the variable
trackingId to contain "test\"
        Does anyone have any idea how to work around this? Annotation?
Server Settings? Bug? This is a critical thing for us.
        David Harper
        Web Application Developer
        City Link - Head Office

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