thank you!
Yes, Form.put() handled the collection parameter properly.
From: Paul Sandoz [mailto:Paul.Sandoz_at_Sun.COM]
Sent: Wednesday, June 24, 2009 12:55 AM
Subject: Re: [Jersey] POST FormData
On Jun 22, 2009, at 10:49 PM, Saavedra, Gisella wrote:
Re: INFO: Initiating Jersey application, version 'Jersey: 1.1.0-ea
I have a REST service with a parameter of type List<String>.
public Response getLogBundle(@FormParam("fromMillis") Long inFromMillis,
@FormParam("toMillis") Long inToMillis,
@FormParam("fileList") List<String> inFileList) {
At the client side, when I am building the FormData, I call
formData.add("fileList", inNamedLogs);
where inNamedLogs is a List<String>
Are are using the Form.add method that does the following:
public final void add(String key, Object value) {
List<String> l = getList(key);
if (value != null)
Namely it converts the value to a String by called value.toString(). So the information is getting converted on the client side. The "add" methods will only add a single value.
Try doing:
formData.put("fileList", inNamedLogs);
or add each item in the list individually.
The problem is the above, you are adding a list and it is getting converted to a String using the toS
See the value of my formDataàfileList argument (you can see the source and how it has been saved). There are TWO [[ surrounding the value.
On the server side, getLogBundle() (code above), when I see the contents of fileList, I see each element having ONE [ surrounding the value.
So, when I do inFileList.get(0), I get "[C:\\N4\\sandbox...]" instead of "C:\\N4\\sandbox..."
Is this a bug? The documentation for the FormParam tag says that List<T> is supported; in this case T is String. I believe steps 1 to 4 of the JavaDoc are satisified.
Please advise. Thanks.
Gisella Saavedra
Sr. Software Engineer
1000 Broadway, Suite 150, Oakland, CA 94607 | T+1 510 267 5123 T Main+1 510 267 5000 F+1 510 267 5100 |