And if I upgrade is it just a case of changing jersey.jar to
jersey-core1.0x.jar and jersey-core-1.0.x.jar or do all the dependencies
need upgrading as well.
-----Original Message-----
From: Paul.Sandoz_at_Sun.COM [mailto:Paul.Sandoz_at_Sun.COM]
Sent: 19 June 2009 13:18
To: Jonathan Cook - FM&T
Subject: Re: [Jersey] Cannot Instantiate new provider
On Jun 19, 2009, at 2:01 PM, Jonathan Cook - FM&T wrote:
> Thanks.
> Any ideas then or should I stick to using the list?
The list is best, but i thought you might be uncomfortable disclosing
certain types of info, if so feel free to email me privately certain
information if you think it will help solve things faster.
I recommend trying to upgrade it at all possible.
My guess is there is something about your remote deployment scenario
where the dependency on the freemarker stuff is causing issues. You
might want to try commenting out the freemarker stuff in the
implementation just to see your template processor gets instantiated and
> Jon
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Paul.Sandoz_at_Sun.COM [mailto:Paul.Sandoz_at_Sun.COM]
> Sent: 19 June 2009 13:00
> To: Jonathan Cook - FM&T
> Subject: Re: [Jersey] Cannot Instantiate new provider
> Taking off list, just in case you do not want to disclose some
> details.... let me know otherwise...
> On Jun 19, 2009, at 1:42 PM, Jonathan Cook - FM&T wrote:
>> Hi,
>> It is a windows environment. Our deployment is manual. We copy over
>> some folders/files. We don't have jersey installed as such the jars
>> are just bundled with our release.
>> We are using the same version of Jersey in both environments and it
>> is
>> older than 1.0.2.
> I realized i got the version wrong, the warning error message
> indicates version 0.6 or less.
>> Why does it get to that line of code below?
> It is hard for me to help you because you are running a very old
> version of Jersey. Can i suggest you upgrade?
> Paul.