Re: [Jersey] Jersey Client at JavaFX ??

From: Paul Sandoz <Paul.Sandoz_at_Sun.COM>
Date: Wed, 10 Jun 2009 13:30:40 +0200

Hi Felipe,

I am not totally up to date on JavaFX but my understanding is there
are some pull parsing stuff, using, is
that what you are referring to?

Ideally one should be able to reuse the JAXB beans, or a set of XPath
expressions to extract out the information. Developers should not have
to deal at the layer of pull parsing.

There is no integration between JavaFX and the Jersey client. JavaFX
has its own way of making requests, but i think the Java type
conversion of the Jersey client could be re-used by JavaFX. But i
ain't got the time to investigate further :-(

But i think you might be able to use the JAXB APIs directly if you

See the following for reusing JSONObject:


On Jun 10, 2009, at 12:45 PM, Felipe Gaścho wrote:

> all demos I found about JavaFX calling services includes an ugly
> parser done manually..
> question: is there an example of Jersey Client being used with
> JavaFX ? where ?
> --
> Looking for a client application for this service:
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