Hi Stuart,
The problem is the JAXB the JSON conversion is correctly quoting the
string obtained from the client response because it is a string value
and not JSON syntax, this is because the element of the QueryResult is
a text element that is not meant to directly contain further structure.
You will get the same if you do the following:
String s = "{\"ABCD\" : 123}";
JSONObject o = new JSONObject();
o.put("result", s);
return new JSONWithPadding(o, callback);
Also JAXB is not the right thing to use here because you are mixing
layers and syntaxes.
Since what you are getting back from the client is JSON you can do:
String s = "{\"ABCD\" : 123}";
return new JSONWithPadding(o, s);
or if you want the "result" object and validation of what the JSON
returned do:
String s = "{\"ABCD\" : 123}";
JSONObject o = new JSONObject();
o.put("result", new JSONObject(s));
return new JSONWithPadding(o, callback);
or if you do not require validation do:
String s = "{\"ABCD\" : 123}";
return new JSONWithPadding(o, "{\"result\": " + s + "}");
On Jun 11, 2009, at 12:13 AM, stuart mellanby wrote:
> My short question is why does my jsonp response have an extra set of
> quotes around the json object, my second is how do I fix it. I'm so
> close to it all working.
> I am returning a jsonp response from two different approaches. The
> first is by using jaxb annotation objects, this works well. (see
> callback1)
> The second is by wrapping/chaining another external rest service
> into a string and returning the reponse as below using Client, this
> doesn't work (callback2). I think my problem is in the string and
> the jaxb object queryResult's String result property.
> @GET @Path("test")
> @Produces({"application/javascript","application/json"})
> public JSONWithPadding getQueryResult(@QueryParam("callback") String
> callback, @QueryParam("param1") double param1 ... etc)
> {
> ...
> Client client = Client.create();
> WebResource wr = client.resource(sb.toString()); //sb is a rest
> service url
> String stringResponse = wr.get(String.class);
> QueryResult = new QueryResult();
> queryResult.setResult(stringResponse); // seems fine {}, not "{}"
> return new JSONWithPadding(new
> GenericEntity<QueryResult>(queryResult){}, callback);
> }
> ....
> the responses are
> callback1({"correctResult":{"location":"xxx,"status":"false"}) // no
> extra quote before json object/location, this was built using jaxb
> object, not a string returned as above in getqueryresult
> callback2({"queryResult":"{\"displayFieldName\" //see extra quote
> before {\, so String representation of property result's json not
> valid... my client could be coded to be ok with this, but it's wrong..
> ...
> //pseudo example
> @XmlAccessorType(XmlAccessType.FIELD)
> @XmlType(name = "queryResult", propOrder = {"result"})
> @XmlRootElement(name="queryresult")
> public class QueryResult {
> @XmlElement(required = true,name="result")
> protected String result; // i think this the
> problem beastie, the string being added is ok but when jersey makes
> this a callback json element it adds it with extra quotes. Is my
> client.resource to blame? what would solve the double quote issue?
> /**
> * Gets the value of the result property.
> *
> * @return
> * possible object is
> * {_at_link String }
> *
> */
> public String getResult() {
> return result;
> }
> /**
> * Sets the value of the result property.
> *
> * @param value
> * allowed object is
> * {_at_link String }
> *
> */
> public void setResult(String value) {
> System.out.println(value);
> this.result = value;
> }
> }
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