Dear list,
Is it correct that Jersey uses whatever connection infrastructure the
servlet container provides? For instance, if I use Jetty with a NIO
connector, then Jersey will use this? I suppose the answer is yes but
I prefer to be on the safe side as I am completely new to Jersey...
Here's the actual code I am using; it's a very simple REST service to
allow a user to download a movie:
@Path("/movie/media/retrieve/{id: [0-9]+}")
public static class MovieMediaRetrieveResource
Request request;
private MovieService movieService;
public Response downloadMedia(@PathParam("id") int mediaId)
throws IOException
// Fetch media and check existence
final Media media = movieService.getMedia(mediaId);
if (media == null)
throw new NotFoundException();
// Cache forever, as media files do not change
CacheControl cacheControl = new CacheControl();
cacheControl.setMaxAge(12 * 30 * 24 * 3600);
cacheControl.setSMaxAge(12 * 30 * 24 * 3600);
final MediaCharacteristics characteristics =
return JerseyUtils.newStreamingResponse(request, new
characteristics.getMimetype(), media.getLastModified())
public InputStream getStream() throws IOException
return media.getContentStream();
}, cacheControl);
* A resource for streaming in Jersey that has a last-modified time,
a content length, and a
* mime-type.
public interface StreamableResource
* Size of the resource.
* @return size in bytes of the content returned by {_at_link
public long getSize();
* Mime-type of the resource.
* @return mime-type
public String getMimetype();
* Returns the last-modified date.
* @return date of last modification of the resource, used for
public Date getLastModified();
* Returns the stream whose content needs to be streamed.
* @return stream; will be closed automatically
* @throws IOException
public InputStream getStream() throws IOException;
public class JerseyUtils
* Checks using the given last-modified timestamp whether the given
resource needs to be
* transferred at all and if not, returns an appropriate response;
if the resource needs to be
* transferred, an appropriate {_at_link StreamableResourceProvider}
instance is created and wrapped
* in a response.
* @param request
* request;use
* <pre>
* @Context
* Request request;
* </pre>
* in your class to inject the request
* @param resource
* the resource to stream
* @param cacheControl
* caching strategy
* @return a response suitable for returning from your REST method
* @throws IOException
public static Response newStreamingResponse(Request request,
StreamableResource resource, CacheControl cacheControl)
throws IOException
final Date lastModified = resource.getLastModified();
ResponseBuilder cachedResponse =
if (cachedResponse != null)
// Return an object that streams the data
return Response.ok(resource,
* A class similar to {_at_link StreamingOutput} but providing to the
client with the length of the
* stream's data.
* @author Kaspar Fischer (hbf)
public class StreamableResourceProvider implements
public boolean isWriteable(Class<?> type, Type genericType,
Annotation[] annotations, MediaType mediaType)
return StreamableResource.class.isAssignableFrom(type);
public void writeTo(StreamableResource t, Class<?> type, Type
genericType, Annotation annotations[],
MediaType mediaType, MultivaluedMap<String, Object>
httpHeaders, OutputStream entityStream) throws IOException
final InputStream stream = t.getStream();
IOUtils.copy(stream, entityStream);
public long getSize(StreamableResource t, Class<?> type, Type
genericType, Annotation[] annotations,
MediaType mediaType)
return t.getSize();