Re: [Jersey] GET rest service throwing exceptions

From: Saavedra, Gisella <>
Date: Tue, 23 Jun 2009 09:45:12 -0700

Paul ,


thank you for the clarification. That explains why I did not get the
UniformInterfaceException for NO_CONTENT (204)

but I did get it for PRECONDITION_FAILED (412).


I sent the first lines of code to avoid sending the whole piece. Sorry
for the confusion. Trying to make the message shorter but I see I could
not beat code behavior.


Maybe the javadoc documentation should mention this boundary >=300 for


So, either I have to send an empty object instead of NO_CONTENT, or
change my service response to Response and at the client side use
ClientResponse to catch any









On Jun 23, 2009, at 2:55 AM, Saavedra, Gisella wrote:

> I have the following resource method:
> @GET
> @Produces({"application/xml"})
> public Logs getAl() {
> // Verify parameters
> NodeConfig nodeConfig = ClusterNodeUtils.getNodeInfo();
> // Verify that current node directory path exists
> if (!
> FileCompressionUtils.dirExists(nodeConfig.getNodecfgLogDirPath())) {
> throw new
> RestApplicationException(Response.Status.PRECONDITION_FAILED, "Log
> directory does not exist");
> }
> ...
> }
> At the client side, it is invoked as:
> try {
> String xmlResponse =
> res.accept(MediaType.APPLICATION_XML_TYPE).get(String.class);
> } catch (UniformInterfaceException e) {
> // log it
> }
> /////////////////////////
> The RestApplicationException class code is:
> public class RestApplicationException extends
> WebApplicationException {
> public RestApplicationException (Response.Status inStatus,
> String inMessage) {
> super(Response.status(inStatus).entity(inMessage).type("text/
> plain").build());
> }
> ////////////////////
> But at the client side, I do not get the exception thrown above. I
> get the String xmlResponse = ""Log directory does not exist"

You should get UniformInterfaceException thrown on the client side
because the response status code is >= 300.

Could you add logging to your client so you can observer the responses
being received from the server to verify that the precondition status
code, 412, was being returned:

   res.addFilter(new LoggingFilter());

> What do I need to do, either client or server side, to receive the
> exception I threw as an exception?

The Jersey client API is not a RPC-type system where Java classes that
are exceptions are propagated from server to client. The exception you
threw on the server side will not be reproduced on the client side.
Your RestApplicationException is defining an *HTTP response* that will
be sent to the client and not an exception that will be propagated.


> Thanks.
> Gisella Saavedra
> Sr. Software Engineer
> <image001.gif>
> 1000 Broadway, Suite 150, Oakland, CA 94607 | T+1 510 267 5123 T
> Main+1 510 267 5000 F+1 510 267 5100 |

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Gisella Saavedra
Sr. Software Engineer <>


1000 Broadway, Suite 150, Oakland, CA 94607 | T+1 510 267 5123 T
Main+1 510 267 5000 F+1 510 267 5100 |




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