Sudhakar Kumar wrote:
> Are there some detailed examples or documentation that will help me
> learn the correct usage of MessageBodyReaders and Writers? Examples
> that return a complex Java type or even better a collection of such
> types (GenericEntity?) will be helpful.
> Thanks
> - Sudhakar.
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The "jsonp" and "jaxb" sample apps contain examples of using
GenericEntity for collections.
There are also examples of provider implementations (grep for
'_at_Provider' on all the java sources) in the "storage-service, "jsonp",
"entity-provider", "https-clientserver-grizzly", "jmaki-backend",
"atompub-contacts-server", "json-from-jaxb", and "jersey-ejb"
sample apps. Plus, some significant implementations in the
"jersey-atom-abdera" and "jersey-multipart" libraries in the "contribs"