- 303: Browser redirection problem
- [Jersey] 303: Browser redirection problem
- [Jersey] 303: Browser redirection problem: solved
- [Jersey] Automatically converting model objects to JaxbElements / "Wrapping" providers
- [Jersey] ayuda
- [Jersey] Base64 encoding fix
- [Jersey] Broken links
- [Jersey] Can't get _at_Context Application be injected
- [Jersey] Client Help
- [Jersey] Compilation issue: Status$Family not found in enum javax.ws.rs.core.Response.Status.Family
- [Jersey] Content negotiation woes
- [Jersey] Debugging Jersey apps: idea for obtaining exceptions
- [Jersey] DIGEST Authentication with Jersey client
- [Jersey] Duplicate classes in server and core?
- [Jersey] Error Code when QueryParam cannot be parsed
- [Jersey] Feature request - support for EnumSet as part of QueryParam
- [Jersey] get(null) on KeyComparatorHashMap does not return null - unlike standard Java Maps
- [Jersey] Getting context root from rest service
- [Jersey] GrizzlyWebTestContainer Test Suite Best Practices Inquiry
- [Jersey] Guice / Reference to WebApplication
- [Jersey] Guice, injecting into constructors, etc
- [Jersey] GZIPContentEncodingFilter client and server side
- [Jersey] HashMap manipulation to XML
- [Jersey] HEAD method not being filtered
- [Jersey] How to test a REST client Jersey ?
- [Jersey] how to use ApacheHttpClient
- [Jersey] HTTPClient support
- [Jersey] Implementing REST based Web services using JAX-RS
- [Jersey] ImplicitProduces annotation
- [Jersey] Initialization at startup, as opposed to first request?
- [Jersey] injecting _at_Context fields on sub resources...
- [Jersey] Injecting JAXBContextProvider (Contextprovider<JAXBContext>) with Guice
- [Jersey] Is it possible to consume FORM_URLENCODED and XML in same method?
- [Jersey] JAX-RS
- [Jersey] JaxB collections, GenericEntity & top element name & namespace in Jersey ?
- [Jersey] Jersey 1.2 / Glassfish 3
- [Jersey] Jersey Client, POST JSONObject issue.
- [Jersey] Jersey deployment in jetty issues
- [Jersey] Jersey injection into spring managed beans
- [Jersey] Jersey planning with alignment for GlassFish 3.1
- [Jersey] jersey+jaxb+json 115 date encoding drops 0 millis
- [Jersey] jersey-apache-client connection pool configuration
- [Jersey] jersey-atom and JDom
- [Jersey] jersey.api.client.ClientHandlerException
- [Jersey] mapping put calls (can't have optional/empty payload?)
- [Jersey] Matching a URI to a resource
- [Jersey] Multipart MessageBodyReader MessageBodyWriter
- [Jersey] Numbers in resource methods
- [Jersey] Obtaining a UriTemplate for the URI being processed
- [Jersey] Omitting fields on some requests
- [Jersey] OufOfMemory in Jersey client when posting large body via InputStream
- [Jersey] Pluralization
- [Jersey] QueryParamException and 404 vs 400 responses
- [Jersey] Regex for _at_GET - 0 or 1 parameters?
- [Jersey] Regular Expression matching any
- [Jersey] Sending a File as a parameter
- [Jersey] Setting response encoding
- [Jersey] Setting server preferred media type
- [Jersey] Source code for Jersey
- [Jersey] Unable to put/post payloads?
- [Jersey] Variable changes do not happen
- [Jersey] What if no _at_RolesAllowed match
- _at_RolesAllowed
- automatic resource registration and guice
- Automatically converting model objects to JaxbElements / "Wrapping" providers
- AW: AW: AW: [Jersey] Reverse Lookup
- ayuda
- Base64 encoding fix
- Base64.encode() ok to use?
- Broken links
- Can't get _at_Context Application be injected
- Client Help
- Compilation issue: Status$Family not found in enum javax.ws.rs.core.Response.Status.Family
- Content negotiation woes
- Debugging Jersey apps: idea for obtaining exceptions
- DIGEST Authentication with Jersey client
- Duplicate classes in server and core?
- Enhanced WADL Generation Thoughts
- Error Code when QueryParam cannot be parsed
- ExceptionMapper not handling Exception subclasses
- Feature request - support for EnumSet as part of QueryParam
- get(null) on KeyComparatorHashMap does not return null - unlike standard Java Maps
- Getting context root from rest service
- Guice / Reference to WebApplication
- Guice, injecting into constructors, etc
- GZIPContentEncodingFilter client and server side
- HEAD method not being filtered
- How to test a REST client Jersey ?
- how to use ApacheHttpClient
- HTTPClient support
- Implementing REST based Web services using JAX-RS
- ImplicitProduces annotation
- Initialization at startup, as opposed to first request?
- Injecting JAXBContextProvider (Contextprovider<JAXBContext>) with Guice
- Is it possible to consume FORM_URLENCODED and XML in same method?
- Java source for JSR 311 API?
- java.lang.NullPointerException on Android
- Jersey Client, POST JSONObject issue.
- Jersey deployment in jetty issues
- Jersey injection into spring managed beans
- jersey+jaxb+json 115 date encoding drops 0 millis
- jersey-apache-client connection pool configuration
- jersey-atom and JDom
- jersey.api.client.ClientHandlerException
- mapping put calls (can't have optional/empty payload?)
- Matching a URI to a resource
- Mini-Announcement: Jersey 1.3 available on the maven repo
- Multipart MessageBodyReader MessageBodyWriter
- Numbers in resource methods
- Obtaining a UriTemplate for the URI being processed
- Omitting fields on some requests
- OufOfMemory in Jersey client when posting large body via InputStream
- Plan to release Jersey 1.3 on Thu 17th
- Pluralization
- QueryParamException and 404 vs 400 responses
- Regex for _at_GET - 0 or 1 parameters?
- Regular Expression matching any
- Samples & Jersey, Atmosphere with Maven Embedded Glassfish
- Sending a File as a parameter
- Setting response encoding
- Setting server preferred media type
- Source code for Jersey
- SV: [Jersey] Debugging Jersey apps: idea for obtaining exceptions
- Unable to put/post payloads?
- Variable changes do not happen
- What if no _at_RolesAllowed match