Hi Tony,
The following may help:
Search for DateAdapter.
On Jun 2, 2010, at 10:55 AM, Tony Nys wrote:
> Hi all,
> We're using jersey/json (1.1.5) on the server and gwt on the client.
> When jersey/jaxb encodes a java.util.date to a string, the
> milliseconds are dropped of if it the time had exactly 0 milliseconds.
> This causes a datetimeformat parse error in gwt since mostly the
> millis are there ".000" but in extreme situations it can be without
> any or with eg. ".20" in stead of ".200".
> We need a way to ALLWAYS have ".xxx" even if it is ".000"
> Is there a Jaxb annotation (we don't map to xsds) to specify the
> default dateformat ? Because if there is we can even drop the millis
> totally since we are not needing them at client side.
> Thanks
> Tony
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