Re: Samples & Jersey, Atmosphere with Maven Embedded Glassfish

From: jfarcand <>
Date: Wed, 9 Jun 2010 15:41:08 -0700


cross posting to Jersey mailing list for the GF related questions.

On 09/06/10 3:13 PM, Cemo Koc wrote:
> Hi all,
> I have big fan of Jersey project and I have been keen on Atmosphere project
> for a few months. Now I am trying to learn Atmosphere Framework and
> regarding samples I have a few questions. I have GFv3 and I updated jersey
> libaries to latest jars (1.2) from maven repository.
> 1) My first try was about atmosphere-simple-jersey-0.6-SNAPSHOT example.
> When I deployed sample example to my server, it raises such an exception:
> Caused by: java.lang.ClassNotFoundException:
> org.atmosphere.core.JerseyServletProcessor
> at$
> at Method)
> at
> at java.lang.ClassLoader.loadClass(
> at java.lang.ClassLoader.loadClass(

That strange as that class doesn't exist anymore. Are you sure you are
using the latest Atmosphere version from here:

> What is the reason behind this exception?
> 2) I want to run atmosphere samples with maven embedded glassfish support. I
> could not be successful to run jersey related samples at glassfish embedded
> server. Any hint about it?

Can you elaborate/share exceptions? I think there is some sample
available in Jersey that demonstrate how to do that with GF embed. Is
there any reason why you need GlassFish? Grizzly works pretty well, and
you can also use Atmosphere Spade Server which build on top of it. This
can be as simple as:



-- Jeanfrancois

> Thanks