Re: [Jersey] Content negotiation woes

From: Daniel Larsson <>
Date: Tue, 15 Jun 2010 11:11:23 +0200

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On Fri, Jun 11, 2010 at 8:52 PM, Paul Sandoz <> wrote:

> Hi Daniel,
> Jersey supports what is termed quality of source, which means you can
> declare something like this:
> @Produces("text/html;qs=2")
> and "text/html" will take priority over say:
> @Produces("application/xml") // qs defaults to 1
> if "text/html" is compatible if any of the acceptable media types in the
> Accept header.
> However, one issue with this is it can be a pain to modify the @Produces
> declarations. Jersey should also support the declaration of a default qs
> value for one or more media types. Could you log an issue?
> I think this may be a better approach than implementing a filter that
> checks for certain user agents.
> Paul.
> On Jun 10, 2010, at 6:13 PM, Daniel Larsson wrote:
> Hi all,
>> How do people generally handle content negotiation? In theory, this is
>> wonderfully handled with the Accept header, and Jersey's @Produces
>> annotation, but in practice, several popular browsers send non-sensical
>> Accept header values, making content negotiation a pain.
>> Jersey provides a way to fake Accept header values through URL extensions.
>> The drawback with this approach is you have to be careful with resource
>> naming (e.g. if you expose users as resources, and someone decides to name
>> themselves "foo.xml").
>> Write a servlet filter to rewrite the Accept header for known bad user
>> agents? *sigh*
>> Give up on content negotiation, and provide separate resources for
>> different representations? :-/
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