Matching a URI to a resource

From: Paul Sandoz <Paul.Sandoz_at_Sun.COM>
Date: Wed, 02 Jun 2010 16:25:35 +0200


I have fixed issue 436:

So it is now possible to match a URI to a resource. See end of email
for JavaDoc.

There are some possible side-effects depending on how your application
is constructed. Matching will share the scope of the HTTP request.
Resources will be constructed if references are not already in scope.
Sub-resource locator methods may be invoked.


  * The resource context provides access to instances of resource
  * <p>
  * This interface can be injected using the {_at_link Context} annotation.
  * <p>
  * The resource context can be utilized when instances of managed
  * classes are to be returned by sub-resource locator methods. Such
  * will be injected and managed within the declared scope just like
  * of root resource classes.
  * <p>
  * The resource context can be utilized when matching of URIs are
  * required, for example when validating URIs sent in a request entity.
  * Note that application functionality may be affected as the matching
  * process will result in the construction or sharing of previously
  * resource classes that are in scope of the HTTP request, and the
invocation of
  * matching sub-resource locator methods. No resource methods wll be
  * @author <a href="">Martin
  * @author Paul.Sandoz_at_Sun.Com
public interface ResourceContext {

      * Match a URI to URI information.
      * <p>
      * If the URI is relative then the base URI of the application
will be
      * used to resolve the relative URI to an absolute URI.
      * If the URI is absolute then it must be relative to the base
URI of the
      * application.
      * @param u the URI.
      * @return the URI information, otherwise null if the URI cannot
be matched.
      * @throws ContainerException if there is an error when matching.
     ExtendedUriInfo matchUriInfo(URI u) throws ContainerException;

      * Match a URI to a resource instance.
      * <p>
      * If the URI is relative then the base URI of the application
will be
      * used to resolve the relative URI to an absolute URI.
      * If the URI is absolute then it must be relative to the base
URI of the
      * application.
      * @param u the URI.
      * @return the resource instance, otherwise null if the URI
cannot be
      * matched.
      * @throws ContainerException if there is an error when matching.
     Object matchResource(URI u) throws ContainerException;

      * Match a URI to a resource instance.
      * <p>
      * If the URI is relative then the base URI of the application
will be
      * used to resolve the relative URI to an absolute URI.
      * If the URI is absolute then it must be relative to the base
URI of the
      * application.
      * @param <T> the type of the resource.
      * @param u the URI.
      * @param c the resource class.
      * @return the resource instance, otherwise null if the URI
cannot be
      * matched.
      * @throws ContainerException if there is an error when matching.
      * @throws ClassCastException if the resource instance cannot be
cast to
      * <code>c</code>.
     <T> T matchResource(URI u, Class<T> c) throws ContainerException,

      * Provides an instance of the given resource class.
      * @param <T> the type of the resource class
      * @param c the resource class
      * @return an instance if it could be resolved, otherwise null.
      * @throws com.sun.jersey.api.container.ContainerException if the
      * class cannot be found.
     <T> T getResource(Class<T> c) throws ContainerException;