Re: [Jersey] jersey-apache-client connection pool configuration

From: Alex Sherwin <>
Date: Tue, 08 Jun 2010 11:36:27 -0400

If handle(...) were not private, you could write an extension class like

package com.sun.jersey.api.client;

import com.sun.jersey.api.client.ClientHandler;
import com.sun.jersey.api.client.WebResource;
import com.sun.jersey.api.client.config.ClientConfig;
import com.sun.jersey.client.impl.ClientRequestImpl;


public class ExtendedWebResource extends WebResource {

   ExtendedWebResource(ClientHandler c, URI u) {
     super(c, u);

   public <T> T post(Class<T> c, Object requestEntity, long timeout)
throws UniformInterfaceException {
     ClientRequest cr = new ClientRequestImpl(getURI(), "POST",
     cr.getProperties().put(ClientConfig.PROPERTY_READ_TIMEOUT, timeout);
     return handle(c, cr);


Note the package is important because the WebResource has a
package-private constructor as well

On 6/8/2010 11:21 AM, Alex Sherwin wrote:
> Poking about the source a bit, and it looks like all you would need to
> do is set the property on the ClientRequest object [ i.e.
> clientrequest.getProperties().put(ClientConfig.PROPERTY_READ_TIMEOUT,
> 1000) ]
> To me, it looks like the easiest place to do this (as a one-off
> solution) would be in WebResource; but the area you would want to
> modify would be the build() methods or the handle() methods... but
> both of which are private, so you'd have to c/p the whole class and
> supply your own copy on the applications classpath before the jersey
> libs.
> I could easily be missing an easier place to do it, but I just noticed
> this possibility
> On 6/8/2010 10:56 AM, Mike Boyers wrote:
>> Paul,
>> Thanks for the response. I looked at the source for
>> ApacheHttpClientHandler and I totally see what's going on now.
>> Is a request-specific timeout something you would consider for a
>> future release?
>> Do you have an idea about how the change would be implemented? Do
>> you envision it being a relatively simple change? Is it something a
>> newcomer might be able to contribute, or at least help with?
>> Thanks,
>> Mike
>> --- On Tue, 6/8/10, Paul Sandoz<Paul.Sandoz_at_Sun.COM> wrote:
>>> From: Paul Sandoz<Paul.Sandoz_at_Sun.COM>
>>> Subject: Re: [Jersey] jersey-apache-client connection pool
>>> configuration
>>> To:
>>> Date: Tuesday, June 8, 2010, 1:57 AM
>>> Hi Mike,
>>> As you are doing you can set the read timeout on the Client
>>> properties:
>>> The Apache HTTP client will take this value and set it on
>>> the HttpMethodParams of the HttpMethod.
>>> // Set the read timeout
>>> final Integer readTimeout =
>>> (Integer)props.get(ApacheHttpClientConfig.PROPERTY_READ_TIMEOUT);
>>> if (readTimeout != null) {
>>> methodParams.setSoTimeout(readTimeout);
>>> }
>>> So it is up to the Apache HTTP client as to how it manages
>>> that w.r.t. multiple threads etc.
>>> This property is not currently one that you can set
>>> per-request or per-WebResource or when building a request.
>>> Currently it is not possible to override with properties on
>>> a WebResource, it is something we have looked into but never
>>> got around to fully implementing it.
>>> The only work around i can think of at the moment is to
>>> create two Client instances with separate read time out
>>> values. Not particular efficient.
>>> Paul.
>>> On Jun 8, 2010, at 12:01 AM, Mike Boyers wrote:
>>>> Alex,
>>>> Thanks - your response has been very helpful.
>>>> Yes, configuring the poolsize in the way you described
>>> will work for me.
>>>> I can now also envision how to set the connection
>>> manager timeout and I also think I can use a
>>> ClientFilter to record all of the JMX stats I need
>>> (timeouts, pool timeouts, total requests, durations, etc.)
>>>> However, I'm now hung up on request-specific
>>> timeouts.
>>>> My understanding is that I should declare the Client,
>>> then allow it to be shared across all threads.
>>>> The only way I've found to set the request timeout is
>>> on the shared Client itself, via the setReadTimeout()
>>> method.
>>>> So, I can do something similar to what you typed
>>> initially:
>>>> httpClient.setReadTimeout(2000);
>>>> ClientResponse response =
>>> httpClient.resource("/some/uri").accept(..).get(ClientResponse.class);
>>>> if (response.getStatus()<= 201) {
>>>> String entity =
>>> response.getEntity(String.class);
>>>> }
>>>> My concern is one thread trampling on another's
>>> timeout.
>>>> I plan on making multiple requests concurrently via a
>>> java.util.ThreadPoolExecutor's invokeAll() method. So
>>> I set up a test with an executor where I'm sending 2
>>> requests concurrently to the same resource. One of
>>> them has a timeout of 1000ms, the other 9000ms, and I've
>>> configured the remote resource to not respond with anything
>>> until 10 seconds, so both of my client requests should time
>>> out.
>>>> In my testing, sometimes the behavior is correct, one
>>> request will timeout after 1000ms and the other after
>>> 9000ms. But most often, both requests end up with the
>>> same timeout, whether it be 9000ms or 1000ms, and that's not
>>> good in my case, since this test is actually pretty close to
>>> what I'll need to do in production.
>>>> Is there a "request-specific" way to set a timeout
>>> that I've overlooked?
>>>> Thanks,
>>>> Mike
>>>> --- On Mon, 6/7/10, Alex Sherwin<>
>>> wrote:
>>>>> From: Alex Sherwin<>
>>>>> Subject: Re: [Jersey] jersey-apache-client
>>> connection pool configuration
>>>>> To:
>>>>> Date: Monday, June 7, 2010, 12:48 PM
>>>>> How are you configuring your
>>>>> client? I'm using the ApacheHttpClient
>>> wrapper from
>>>>> the Jersey libs, and setting up the
>>>>> MultiTHreadedHttpConnectionManager directly, like
>>> so:
>>>>> connectionManager =
>>> new
>>>>> MultiThreadedHttpConnectionManager();
>>> connectionManager.getParams().setDefaultMaxConnectionsPerHost(MAX_CONNECTIONS_PER_HOST);
>>> connectionManager.getParams().setMaxTotalConnections(MAX_TOTAL_CONNECTIONS);
>>>>> clientConfig = new
>>>>> DefaultApacheHttpClientConfig();
>>> clientConfig.getProperties().put(DefaultApacheHttpClientConfig.PROPERTY_PREEMPTIVE_AUTHENTICATION,
>>>>> Boolean.TRUE);
>>>>> httpClient = new
>>> ApacheHttpClient(new
>>>>> ApacheHttpClientHandler(new
>>> HttpClient(connectionManager)),
>>>>> clientConfig);
>>>>> It sounds like this is what you want to do, I
>>> believe
>>>>> Then, to use,
>>>>> ClientResponse response =
>>> httpClient.resource("/some/uri").accept(..).get(ClientResponse.class);
>>>>> if (response.getStatus()<= 201) {
>>>>> String entity =
>>> response.getEntity(String.class);
>>>>> }
>>>>> Etc
>>>>> On 6/7/2010 12:08 PM, Mike Boyers wrote:
>>>>>> I'm beginning work on a RESTful api that, in
>>> order to
>>>>> fulfill requests, will need to reach out to other
>>> apis (some
>>>>> RESTful themselves, some HTTP but not RESTful).
>>>>>> My main requirements for any HTTP requests
>>> (both
>>>>> RESTful and non-RESTful) made to other services
>>> are:
>>>>>> -Support keep-alives
>>>>>> -Support connection pooling
>>>>>> -Support maximum configurable sizes for
>>> connection
>>>>> pools
>>>>>> -Support fail-fast "connection pool timeouts"
>>> when a
>>>>> particular pool has reached its maximum configured
>>> size
>>>>>> -If a pool grows under load, it needs to
>>> shrink again
>>>>> as load decreases
>>>>>> -Both RESTful and non-RESTful request should
>>> share the
>>>>> same connection pools
>>>>>> -Ability to query for pool sizes and other
>>> statistics
>>>>> to expose via JMX
>>>>>> When using Apache's HttpClient in the raw, I
>>> know I
>>>>> can accomplish all of these goals. But that
>>> won't get
>>>>> me the jersey-client features I'd like to have, so
>>> I'd like
>>>>> to consider using the jersey-apache-client for all
>>> HTTP
>>>>> requests and just get the non-RESTful responses as
>>> Strings.
>>>>>> However, I'm not sure how I can configure the
>>>>> underlying MultiThreadedHttpConnectionManager to
>>> behave the
>>>>> way I want. Some of the methods I'm used to
>>> calling
>>>>> are:
>>>>>> setDefaultMaxConnectionsPerHost()
>>>>>> setConnectionTimeout() -- I know this is
>>> already
>>>>> supported and know how to configure it
>>>>>> closeIdleConnections()
>>>>>> deleteConnections()
>>>>>> And also HttpClientParameter's
>>>>> setConnectionManagerTimeout() method.
>>>>>> Any ideas?
>>>>>> Thanks,
>>>>>> Mike Boyers
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