Re: [Jersey] Re: automatic resource registration and guice

From: Paul Sandoz <Paul.Sandoz_at_Sun.COM>
Date: Fri, 04 Jun 2010 17:21:28 +0200


I think your problem is you are not initializing the Guice module
correctly in ProtobufServletConfig.getInjector.

You need to create an instance of the ServletModule then bind the
ProtobufServletContainer using the "serve" method.

     public class ProtobufServletConfig extends
GuiceServletContextListener {
         protected Injector getInjector() {
             return Guice.createInjector(
                 new ServletModule() {
                     protected void configureServlets() {
                         Map<String, String> initParams = ... // add
your Jersey parameters to this map
serve("*").with(ProtobufServletContainer.class, initParams);

Then you need to register the GuiceFilter and ProtobufServletConfig
with Grizzly:

         ServletAdapter sa = new ServletAdapter();
         sa.addFilter(new GuiceFilter(), "guiceFilter", null);


On Jun 4, 2010, at 4:59 PM, Christopher Piggott wrote:

>> Is it possible to send me a simple reproducible maven project?
> I'll have to try to clean/redact it but yeah, if I can't figure this
> out I will do that.
> I think though that I have a general idea what's going wrong. I
> traced through to find out that PackagesResourceConfig wasn't getting
> created/run. I tried to figure out why, and noticed that if I set the
> system property (PackagesResourceConfig.PROPERTY_PACKAGES) earlier it
> seemed to work. But, then, I was getting other exceptions like
> "Multiple injectors detected. Please install only one ServletModule in
> your web application. While you may have more than one injector, you
> should only configure guice-servlet in one of them. (Hint: look for
> legacy ServetModules or multiple calls to Servlets.configure())."
> I apparently have something screwed up in the way everything gets
> initialized.
> I'm initializing it this way:
> //
> // Create the server
> //
> GrizzlyWebServer ws = new GrizzlyWebServer(8000, ".", false);
> // no SSL for now
> //
> // Create the ServletAdapter, whose job is to service requests,
> // and pass them through a filter that we will define
> //
> ServletAdapter sa = new ServletAdapter();
> //
> // Create a filter for the servlet. This filter
> // knows how to dispatch requests to injectors.
> //
> GuiceFilter filter = new GuiceFilter();
> //
> // Create our servlet configuration, which knows how to
> // create an injector for us
> //
> ProtobufServletConfig cfg = new ProtobufServletConfig();
> //
> // Create a container. The container is responsible for
> // managing the lifecycle of all the servlets. The
> // container in jersey-guice knows about the configuration
> // which in turn knows about injectors.
> //
> //
> // TODO: something is very wrong here. Guice is complaining
> // about multiple injectors; grizzly is complaining about
> multiple
> // ProtobufServletContainers because I was trying to create it
> // by hand here. ProtobufServletContainer is in fact declared
> // as a @Singleton. I'm pretty sure this is where things are
> going
> // wrong, though.
> //
> ProtobufServletContainer gc =
> cfg.getInjector().getInstance(ProtobufServletContainer.class);
> //
> // Tell the servlet adapter what to use for a container
> //
> sa.setServletInstance(gc);
> //
> // Add the authetication filter
> //
> sa.addInitParameter(ResourceConfig.PROPERTY_CONTAINER_REQUEST_FILTERS,
> AuthenticationFilter.class.getName());
> sa.addInitParameter(ResourceConfig.PROPERTY_RESOURCE_FILTER_FACTORIES,
> RolesAllowedResourceFilterFactory.class.getName());
> String defaultResourcePackage =
> RootResource.class.getPackage().getName();
> sa.addInitParameter(PackagesResourceConfig.PROPERTY_PACKAGES,
> defaultResourcePackage);
> //
> // Hook the filter to the servlet adapter
> //
> sa.addFilter(filter, "Guice Filter", null);
> //
> // Add our servlet adapter to the server instance
> //
> ws.addGrizzlyAdapter(sa, null);
> So that's the whole initialization sequence, except I didn't tell you
> two things. First, ProtobufServletContainer really does nothing
> except log a message so I can see that it's being created:
> @Singleton
> public class ProtobufServletContainer extends GuiceContainer {
> private static Logger log =
> LoggerFactory.getLogger(ProtobufServletContainer.class);
> @Inject
> public ProtobufServletContainer(ProtobufServletConfig cfg) {
> super(cfg.getInjector());
> log.debug("Created servlet container");
> }
> }
> Second, the config ... my config class is, again, not really doing
> much:
> public class ProtobufServletConfig extends
> GuiceServletContextListener {
> private static Logger log =
> LoggerFactory.getLogger(ProtobufServletConfig.class);
> @Override
> protected Injector getInjector() {
> log.debug("Getting injector");
> return Guice.createInjector(new ProtobufServletModule());
> }
> }
> But see I'm creating the ServletModule there, somethign tells me I
> shouldn't be doing that there.
> Finally there is the ServletModule but that doesn't do a whole lot ...
> it sets up the "other things" that I want to be able to inject. One
> confusing thing is that I am also setting PROPERTY_PACKAGES here,
> too... from old jersey-guice sample code it seemed that this was the
> place to do it ... but that was the start of my problems, because if I
> only defined it HERE, then it didn't ever create a
> PackagesResourceConfig, which was my original question.
> I can tell that, if I don't build an empty project that I can share,
> this will be crazy confusing.
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