Re: [Jersey] What if no _at_RolesAllowed match

From: Christopher Piggott <>
Date: Wed, 2 Jun 2010 08:55:14 -0400

403 is what I expected... not sure why I'm not getting it.

I'm using
    guice 2.0
    jersey-guice 1.2
    jersey-server 1.2
    grizzly 1.9.18
    guice-servlet 2.0

My test resource looks like:

public class RootResource {

    public Response getSomething(@Context SecurityContext sc) throws
JAXBException {

Could that be the problem - that I'm injecting the SecurityContext
into the method call rather than into the resource class itself? I
tried moving it out as just a class member, but then it wasn't getting
injected at all. I didn't try again, though.

The only other thing I can think of is that I'm doing something wrong
setting up grizzly ... but I can't think what that would be. I do
have some exception mappers set up, though I don't have one for

On Wed, Jun 2, 2010 at 5:28 AM, Paul Sandoz <> wrote:
> On Jun 1, 2010, at 10:59 PM, Christopher Piggott wrote:
>> If no roles match your resource methods marked @RolesAllowed what is
>> supposed to happen?  I get a blank result, but no real indication that
>> it failed because of a permissions problem.
> If the authenticated user is not n any of the roles declared by
> @RolesAllowed then a 403 (Forbidden) response is returned.
> What app/web server and client are you using?
> Jersey does not include an entity in such a response so that the developer
> can use an exception mapper or servlet error mapping to customize.
> Paul.
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