On 20 April 2010 15:01, Paul Sandoz <Paul.Sandoz_at_sun.com> wrote:
> Hi James,
> There are currently two ways for the application to instantiate resource
> classes:
> 1) Injected @Context ReosurceContext rc then call
> rc.getResource(MyClass.class);
> https://jersey.dev.java.net/nonav/apidocs/latest/jersey/com/sun/jersey/api/core/ResourceContext.html
> def getElement(@PathParam("id") key : String, @Context ReosurceContext rc)
> {
> doSomething;
> val e = rc.get(classOf[Element]);
> e.setKey(e);
> return e;
> }
> 2) Using Jersey's @Inject (i know it is an unfortunate clash with 330).
> def getElement(@PathParam("id") key : String, @Inject Injectable<Element>
> ie) {
> doSomething;
> val e = ie.get();
> e.setKey(e);
> return e;
> }
> None are quite what you want :-)
> Injecting after instantiation sort of breaks the life-cycle contract
> (injection onto fields or setter methods should occur after construction and
> before any post construct method is invoked).
A colleague hit this again today so I was wondering if we could come
up with a clean canonical way to get Jersey create sub resources for
us doing all the lifecycle/injection goodness without using the
ResourceContext/Injectable API?
e.g. something like...
class Container extends Foo {
def getElement(subResource: Element) = {
// possibly modify the object we are given, or return something else...
class Element(@PathParam("id") key: String) extends Foo {
def index = {
We might want to annotation the getElement's subResource parameter
somehow to indicate to Jersey its meant to inject a sub resource into
the method call?
Open Source Integration