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On 06/02/2010 08:59 PM, Christopher Piggott wrote:
> I'm not so sure about the second part, but I'm using Guice and what
> you are asking about worked for me:
> public class RootResource {
> @Context private UriInfo uriInfo; // injected by jersey/servlet/etc
> @Inject @Named("DataDir") private File dataDir; // Injected by Guice
> ...
> }
> and that works fine for me.
Yes, this works for me, too. But I tried if it is possible to just use a
constructor (and depend on one injection framework). So I could make the
vars final..
It is not a big issue. Maybe not worth the work... But at least I wanted
to try...
> When I created my injector, I gave it bindings for this class:
> public class MyServletModule extends ServletModule {
> ...
> @Override
> protected void configureServlets() {
> ...
> bind(RootResource.class);
> }
> }
> but I didn't do anything else.
> On Wed, Jun 2, 2010 at 2:07 PM, Johannes Schneider
> <mailings_at_cedarsoft.com> wrote:
> I used a profiler to find all references to WebApplication. Just found
> one... And with some dirty hacks it resulted in that module configuration:
> @Singleton
> @Provides
> public WebApplication webApp( @NotNull GuiceContainer guiceContainer ) {
> WebComponent component = Reflection.field( "webComponent"
> ).ofType( WebComponent.class ).in( guiceContainer ).get();
> WebApplication webApplication = Reflection.field( "application"
> ).ofType( WebApplication.class ).in( component ).get();
> return webApplication;
> }
> @RequestScoped
> @Provides
> public HttpContext httpContext( @NotNull WebApplication
> webApplication ) {
> return webApplication.getThreadLocalHttpContext();
> }
> @RequestScoped
> @Provides
> public UriInfo uriInfo( @NotNull HttpContext httpContext ) {
> return httpContext.getUriInfo();
> }
> @RequestScoped
> @Provides
> public HttpRequestContext requestContext( HttpContext httpContext ) {
> return httpContext.getRequest();
> }
> @RequestScoped
> @Provides
> public HttpHeaders httpHeaders( HttpContext httpContext ) {
> return httpContext.getRequest();
> }
> @RequestScoped
> @Provides
> public Request request( HttpContext httpContext ) {
> return httpContext.getRequest();
> }
> @RequestScoped
> @Provides
> public SecurityContext securityContext( HttpContext httpContext ) {
> return httpContext.getRequest();
> }
> On 06/02/2010 07:39 PM, Johannes Schneider wrote:
>>>> At the moment I am struggling with the Guice integration.
>>>> It is working based on that blog entry:
>>>> http://zcox.wordpress.com/2009/09/22/jersey-guice-scala/
>>>> When I mark an constructor of a resources with @com.google.inject.Inject
>>>> it is injected using Guice.
>>>> But I also want to add some context stuff (UriInfo) etc.
>>>> Therefore I tried to add some bindings to Guice. But I don't know how I
>>>> can get the current UriInfo. I have found that code:
>>>> http://pastie.org/521175
>>>> But I think that is wrong, since there an additional instance of
>>>> WebApplicationImpl is created (or am I missing something?).
>>>> So is there any possibility to get the reference to the WebApplication?
>>>> Any magic/static method?
>>>> I could extend com.sun.jersey.guice.spi.container.servlet.GuiceContainer
>>>> and use the instance passed to #initiate. But that looks a little bit
>>>> dirty because it is too late. Guice has still been created (see the
>>>> injected Injector to the constructor).
>>>> Any hints?
>>>> Thanks,
>>>> Johannes
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Johannes Schneider - blog.cedarsoft.com
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