No pressure intended, but will there be 1.3 release notes published to
the "announcements" page, similar to ?
On Wed, Jun 30, 2010 at 7:46 AM, Paul Sandoz <> wrote:
> Hi,
> Review period is now closed. Not much has changed:
> I have updated to reflect recurring issues with Jersey being deployed in the
> WEB-INF/lib while a different version of Jersey is distributed with
> GlassFish:
> "The class loader delegation feature of GlassFish is not sufficient for
> isolation because javax.* classes are always delegated
> to GlassFish. The Jersey team will attempt to resolve this issue which
> may a) require changes to the 311 implementation
> that will affect performance; or b) changes to the GlassFish Web app
> class loader to support non-delegation of*
> classes."
> Paul.
> On May 21, 2010, at 3:29 PM, Paul Sandoz wrote:
>> Hi,
>> Below you will find what is termed a one pager that outlines major Jersey
>> features that are planned in time for the GlassFish 3.1 release.
>> Feedback is most welcome.
>> Paul.
>> One pager template version: 1.9
>> 1. Introduction
>> 1.1. Project/Component Working Name:
>> Jersey
>> 1.2. Name(s) and e-mail address of Document Author(s)/Supplier:
>> Paul.Sandoz_at_Sun.Com
>> 1.3. Date of This Document:
>> 05/21/10
>> 2. Project Summary
>> 2.1. Project Description:
>> Modularization of Jersey distribution to GlassFish.
>> Deployment of OSGi-war bundles to GlassFish.
>> Update tests and the test framework to use the latest embedded
>> GlassFish API.
>> Improved CDI and JAX-RS integration.
>> Improved JSON support using Jackson.
>> Integrate Jersey with JRebel for RAD.
>> Improved hypermedia support on the client and server.
>> Add further DTrace probes.
>> 2.2. Risks and Assumptions:
>> CDI needs to function correctly for advanced use the Extension
>> SPI.
>> 3. Problem Summary
>> 3.1. Problem Area:
>> Unification of OSGi support in and outside of GlassFish.
>> Deployment of multiple versions of Jersey-based applications to
>> GlassFish.
>> Better integration with Java EE 6.
>> Better and more intuitive JSON support.
>> Increase rapid application development.
>> Improved ease of use when building hypermedia-based applications.
>> Diagnose issues with in-production running JAX-RS applications.
>> 3.2. Justification:
>> Improves the teams efficiency to distribute Jersey to GlassFish.
>> Enables developers to use the latest stable version of Jersey when
>> a lesser version
>> is installed in GlassFish.
>> Smooth integration of Java EE 6 components gives developers a
>> better experience.
>> JSON is an important representation format for RESTful
>> applications.
>> Hypermedia is a key aspect of RESTful applications.
>> Analysis of in-production running JAX-RS applications can help
>> diagnose system performance
>> issues.
>> 4. Technical Description:
>> 4.1. Details:
>> Jersey currently ships a jersey bundle to GF (in addition to other
>> jars) containing a number of jersey modules. This will be changed so
>> that each jersey module is shipped directly and aligns with OSGi support
>> of Jersey in and outside of GlassFish.
>> Deployment of Jersey applications to GlassFish as an OSGI-bundle will
>> enable multiple versions of Jersey to be installed in isolation.
>> Currently many developers are having issues with running later versions
>> of Jersey to that which is installed in GlassFish. The class loader
>> delegation feature of GlassFish is not sufficient. This feature us not
>> really Jersey specific but Jersey will provide input to requirements and
>> will test deployments.
>> Jersey currently uses a very old version of the GlassFish embedded
>> API. This needs to be updated to use the latest API for embedded tests
>> and for use with the jersey test framework.
>> Jersey needs to improve it's integration with CDI such that the
>> optional aspects of the JAX-RS spec in this regard are investigated and
>> implemented. Specifically this means providing bindings such @Inject
>> works for JAX-RS/Jersey related injection points.
>> The JAXB JSON support in Jersey can work for simple cases but
>> developers are struggling to understand the how the JSON relates to the
>> classes and there are many edge cases that are hard to support because
>> of the mismatch between the JSON data model and the XML infoset model
>> that JAXB uses. Jackson is an excellent library that provides a clearer
>> mapping from POJOs to JSON. Jersey is already depending on it for
>> low-level support.
>> Jersey caches runtime information generated from Java reflection for
>> performance reasons. This does not work so well when Jersey developers
>> utilize JRebel for rapid development. A Jersey/JRebel plugin will solve
>> this. Such a plugin was prototyped over a year ago. This is technically
>> feasible and requires that JRebel cause Jersey to reload (a feature
>> which Jersey already supports).
>> Hypermedia support for RESTful application is an important area that
>> JAX-RS 1.x left for a future JAX-RS specification. Jersey can provide
>> useful APIs on the client and server that can be input to a future
>> JAX-RS specification. These APIs will be public thus it is important to
>> get these APIs right before being shipped with a stable release of
>> Jersey, hence why these features are closer to the end of the GlassFish
>> 3.1 release schedule. These APIs will be shipped in the experimental
>> area of Jersey and distributed with SNAPSHOTs before becoming part of
>> the stable API.
>> Jersey already has DTrace probe support for resource matching. Such that
>> DTrace can be utilized to aggregate information on URIs associated with
>> resource classes. Probing can be extended to include interactions with
>> other JAX-RS components such as MessageBodyReader/Writer selection,
>> ExceptionMapper selection and ContextResolver selection, where
>> appropriate.
>> 4.2. Bug/RFE Number(s):
>> 4.3. In Scope:
>> N/A
>> 4.4. Out of Scope:
>> N/A
>> 4.5. Interfaces:
>> 4.5.1. Public Interfaces:
>> Client and server hypermedia APIs.
>> A maven-based jar artifact for Jersey JRebel support.
>> Maven-based jar artifacts for client and server hypermedia
>> support.
>> 4.5.2. Private Interfaces:
>> The separate Jersey OSGi modules distributed to GlassFish.
>> 4.5.3. Deprecated/Removed Interfaces:
>> None.
>> 4.6. Doc Impact:
>> None.
>> 4.7. Admin/Config Impact:
>> None
>> 4.8. HA Impact:
>> None
>> 4.9. I18N/L10N Impact:
>> None
>> 4.10. Packaging, Delivery & Upgrade:
>> 4.10.1. Packaging
>> None
>> 4.10.2. Delivery
>> Jersey will be delivered to GlassFish as a set of separate OSGi
>> modules
>> rather than one "uber" module.
>> 4.10.3. Upgrade and Migration:
>> None
>> 4.11. Security Impact:
>> None
>> 4.12. Compatibility Impact
>> None
>> 4.13. Dependencies:
>> 4.13.1 Internal Dependencies
>> META-INF/services compatibility with OSGI library.
>> Embedded GlassFish API and maven plugin.
>> Weld the CDI reference implementation.
>> 4.13.2 External Dependencies
>> Jackson which is an open source project duel licensed under
>> LGPL amd ASL.
>> Jersey is currently using Jackson 1.1 in GlassFish 3.0. The
>> version will be
>> upgraded in 3.1 to the latest stable version (currently 1.5.2).
>> 4.14. Testing Impact
>> Automated tests using the Jersey test framework leveraging JUnit.
>> Hudson will be be used to continually build and test.
>> 5. Reference Documents:
>> Experimental hypermedia support on the server:
>> Experimental hypermedia support on the client:
>> 6. Schedule:
>> 6.1. Projected Availability:
>> See:
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