- [Jersey] ability to add CORS to the WADL generation
- [Jersey] Bad If-None-Match header value
- [Jersey] Best practice to handle JPA relation
- [Jersey] Can I not have dots in keys when deserializing json?
- [Jersey] Compression/Encryption in Jersey
- [Jersey] Container filter and Annotation
- [Jersey] Convite pessoal de Kaio Maximiano
- [Jersey] Date serialization format
- [Jersey] Debugging _at_Context injection failure on Tomcat
- [Jersey] DELETE request that deletes a collection of objects
- [Jersey] Deserializing nested objects
- [Jersey] Each new GET, POST, PUT is using a new TCP source port
- [Jersey] enum type JAXB error
- [Jersey] Error in Jersey Test ClassFormatError Absent Code attribute in method that is not native or abstract in class file HttpServlet
- [Jersey] Exposing JSON schema/resource in REST
- [Jersey] generic approach to resource class
- [Jersey] Give back JSON Arrays rather than Objects
- [Jersey] GrizzlyWebContainerFactory.create() should accept host
- [Jersey] How to know the url
- [Jersey] how to return Boolean without use of a wrapper class from Jersey service endpoint
- [Jersey] HTTP 304 is silently dropping the entity
- [Jersey] Implicit handling of all OPTIONS request
- [Jersey] Inferred Content-Type value for 204 No Content responses?
- [Jersey] Init some data when my resource is called
- [Jersey] Is Jersey/REST good for the following?
- [Jersey] JAXB _at_XmlSeeAlso supported in Jersey?
- [Jersey] jersey + glassfish + hibernate
- [Jersey] Jersey 1.10 is released
- [Jersey] Jersey client in Applets
- [Jersey] Jersey Client JSONRootElementProvider
- [Jersey] Jersey not initialized when using a customized server.xml for SSL encryption
- [Jersey] Jersey servers down?
- [Jersey] Jersey Test Framework for HTTPS
- [Jersey] Jersey Test Framework, InMemory and _at_Context injection
- [Jersey] Jersey to return a needed content type
- [Jersey] JSON POJO Mapping Jersey OSGi Bundle
- [Jersey] JsonP without using JSONWithPadding?
- [Jersey] OAuth signature does not seem to comply with OAuth specification
- [Jersey] Passing an object to rest service using jersey
- [Jersey] Problem unmarshalling entity to correct JAXB object
- [Jersey] Problem with Jersey Multipart File Upload
- [Jersey] Questions about Jersey logger
- [Jersey] Registering an Inteface as a Rest Resource
- [Jersey] RepresentationType missing after upgrading from 1.8
- [Jersey] Retrieve Request Body in Exception Mapper
- [Jersey] Running Jersey with Jetty in memory
- [Jersey] Servlet Filter and 405
- [Jersey] Should I include media type in my ETag?
- [Jersey] Trying to write a MessageBodyReader for application/x-www-form-urlencoded
- [Jersey] Unable to work on Jersey Client with https
- [Jersey] Updated jersey-binding module
- [Jersey] Uploading file does not produce needed type of response
- [Jersey] Using filter to always set charset=UTF-8 on response
- [Jersey] Using Jersey Context in Spring AOP advice
- [Jersey] web site is down
- [Jersey] What is Jersey behavior when Content-Type is missing?
- _at_QueryParam and character encoding
- A message body writer for Java type, class com.sun.jersey.multipart.FormDataMultiPart, and MIME media type, multipart/form-data, was not found
- ability to add CORS to the WADL generation
- Application/json for JAXB class failed in 1.10
- Bad If-None-Match header value
- Can I not have dots in keys when deserializing json?
- Compression/Encryption in Jersey
- Container filter and Annotation
- Contex Resolver not resolving every registered class
- Date serialization format
- Debugging _at_Context injection failure on Tomcat
- DELETE request that deletes a collection of objects
- Deserializing nested objects
- Each new GET, POST, PUT is using a new TCP source port
- Error in Jersey Test ClassFormatError Absent Code attribute in method that is not native or abstract in class file HttpServlet
- Error while running the test
- Example of consuming raw binary content?
- ExceptionMapper does not catch java.lang.Error
- Exposing JSON schema/resource in REST
- generic approach to resource class
- Give back JSON Arrays rather than Objects
- How can download a compiled version of jersey 1.10 (snapshot)
- How can I change/retain the order of _at_produces methods?
- How Jersey dispatch request based on query parameter rather than path?
- How to know the url
- How to make authenticated request to a jersey endpoint protected using spring-security
- how to return Boolean without use of a wrapper class from Jersey service endpoint
- How to Use Mocks With Jersey Test Framework?
- HTTP 304 is silently dropping the entity
- Inferred Content-Type value for 204 No Content responses?
- Init some data when my resource is called
- Is Jersey/REST good for the following?
- issue when run jaxrstck with jersey-1.4 and jetty-6.1.14
- Issue while using Jersey's Logging Filter to log all requests and responses
- Jackson problem with Jersey 1.9.1 (with reproducible test case)
- JAXB _at_XmlSeeAlso supported in Jersey?
- jersey + glassfish + hibernate
- Jersey 1.10 is released
- Jersey Client JSONRootElementProvider
- jersey json transformation(when running on osgi)
- Jersey nonblocking client issue
- Jersey on Ubunto com.sun.jersey.api.NotFoundException: null for uri:
- Jersey servers down?
- Jersey Test Framework for HTTPS
- Jersey Test Framework, InMemory and _at_Context injection
- Jersey to return a needed content type
- JsonP without using JSONWithPadding?
- Log warnings
- LoggingFilter is not being invoked
- namespace problem with JSON on mac ?
- Need to modify the response entity / stream after marshalling happened
- OAuth signature does not seem to comply with OAuth specification
- Passing an object to rest service using jersey
- POST parameters not injected via MultivaluedMap
- POSTing to Jersey using JQuery
- Problem unmarshalling entity to correct JAXB object
- Questions about Jersey logger
- Registering an Inteface as a Rest Resource
- RepresentationType missing after upgrading from 1.8
- Running Jersey with Jetty in memory
- Sending a Header Param in Multipart
- Should I include media type in my ETag?
- Support for byte[] in com.sun.jersey.multipart.file.FileDataBodyPart
- The registered message body readers compatible with the MIME media type are
- To throw or to return "error" code
- Trying to write a MessageBodyReader for application/x-www-form-urlencoded
- Unable to work on Jersey Client with https
- Using filter to always set charset=UTF-8 on response
- web site is down
- What is Jersey behavior when Content-Type is missing?
- XML & JSON namespace PROBLEM