Hi Jan,
If in-memory meant embedded, you may want to try out the following,
taken from jetty docs (see [1]). I replaced the original Servlet class
with Jersey's ServletContainer:
|Server server = ||new| |Server(||8080||);|
|Context root = ||new| |Context(server,||"/"||,Context.SESSIONS);|
|root.addServlet(||new| |ServletHolder(||new| |ServletContainer(new
DefaultResourceConfig(JerseyResource.class)||||)), ||"/*"||);|
Have not tested the above, but crossing fingers it could work...
On 1.11.2011 16:57, Jan Algermissen wrote:
> Hi,
> does anyone know a quick way to start an in-memory Jetty with Jersey (e.g. without using a web.xml).
> Jan