I already replied privately, but..
following testcase passes:
final List<Object> l = new ArrayList<Object>();
assertTrue(l.size() == 0);
NonBlockingClient c = NonBlockingClient.create();
c.addFilter(new ClientFilter() {
public ClientResponse handle(ClientRequest cr) throws
ClientHandlerException {
l.add(new String("before"));
final ClientResponse clientResponse = getNext().handle(cr);
l.add(new String("after"));
return clientResponse;
WebResource r = c.resource(getUri().path("/").build());
assertTrue(l.size() == 2);
can you share IWasHereFilter filter implementation?
On 11/3/11 4:00 PM, Chris Berry wrote:
> Sorry, but it is NOT fixed in 1.10.
> Let me know if you cannot reproduce --- and I could probably create a
> simple test case for you.
> It is easy to see it not working.
> Just create the non-blocking client --- and drop a ClientFilter into
> it that, say, just logs "I was here"
> And you'll never see the log...
> client.addFilter(new IWasHereFilter());
> To users_at_jersey.java.net,
> FYI; This is an email thread that began as a private thread, but was
> moved here for posterity....
> Thanks,
> -- Chris
> On 11/3/11 9:09 AM, "Chris Berry" <cberry_at_homeaway.com> wrote:
> Thank you so much.
> Perhaps it will "just work" if I try the latest/greatest.
> I will and let you know.
> There is not much info in Google on the non-blocking client.
> And I didn't find the 1.10. Sorry.
> Would you like me to transcribe this thread to jersey-users (or
> whatever that list is named)??
> Thank you again fro responding!
> Cheers,
> -- Chris
> On 11/3/11 9:03 AM, "Pavel Bucek" <pavel.bucek_at_oracle.com> wrote:
> Hi Chris,
> ad ClientFilter issue - it should work. We do have some tests
> related to this area, but I'm going to investigate and maybe
> will commit it back to the source repository; I'll update you
> with what I find.
> ad moving from experimental - that was done some time ago,
> its in contribs now and its part of stable releases since 1.9
> I guess..
> <groupId>com.sun.jersey.contribs</groupId>
> <artifactId>jersey-non-blocking-client</artifactId>
> <version>1.10</version>
> ^^ that should work for you.
> I don't have any problem with you contacting me directly, but
> this doesn't seem to be private, so it could be posted on our
> user list - others might benefit from our conversation too.
> Regards,
> Pavel
> On 11/2/11 9:30 PM, Chris Berry wrote:
> Jersey nonblocking client issue Hello Pavel,
> Your blog said to contact you directly over your new
> Jersy NonBlockingHttpClient --- I hope that it is not too
> presumptuous --- but I have done so...
> First -- Long story short, I have been experimenting with
> your NonBlockingClient.
> I am very excited to use it. It is exactly what we all
> need !!
> But it does not appear to be honoring ClientFilters ---
> which we use often.
> We configure it using the code shown below. (A client is
> initialized once by Spring as a singleton)
> And my ClientFilters are never invoked.
> I think this is a bug??
> Second --- do you have any estimate when the project will
> move from /experimental?? (That word scares people ;-)
> And any estimate when it will become a Non-SNAPSHOT??
> Again sorry to bother you...
> Thanks,
> -- Chris
> protected void initClient() {
> if (client == null) {
> // For many properties, we must configure
> them BEFORE we create the Client
> // In particular, the Executor for Async
> ClientConfig clientConfig;
> if (nonblocking) {
> clientConfig = new
> DefaultNonBlockingClientConfig();
> } else {
> clientConfig = new DefaultClientConfig();
> }
> clientConfig.getProperties().put(ClientConfig.PROPERTY_THREADPOOL_SIZE,
> threadPoolSize);
> clientConfig.getProperties().put(ClientConfig.PROPERTY_CONNECT_TIMEOUT,
> connectTimeout);
> clientConfig.getProperties().put(ClientConfig.PROPERTY_READ_TIMEOUT,
> readTimeout);
> if (async && nonblocking) {
> client =
> NonBlockingClient.create(clientConfig);
> } else {
> client = Client.create(clientConfig);
> }
> }
> // inject perf4j stats if not present
> if (!hasPerfFilter(getClientFilters()) &&
> !hasPerfFilter(filtersToAdd)) {
> client.addFilter(new
> Perf4jFilter(getServiceName()));
> }
> // add our filters to the client
> for (ClientFilter filter : filtersToAdd) {
> client.addFilter(filter);
> }
> if (log.isDebugEnabled()) {
> log.debug(getServiceName() + ":
> Initialized Client: " + client + " with filters: " +
> getFilterChain());
> }
> }