Hi Guys,
I am playing with HTTP Conditional GET support in jersey (nice!) and
came across something that seems unexpected.
If the "If-None-Match" is provided unquoted then I get an error:
2 > GET
2 > if-none-match: -142345b90ecd5fe655e4a4acdaf3db5b9ebaf827
2 > accept: ...
2 > user-agent: Java/1.6.0_20
2 > host: localhost:9090
2 > connection: keep-alive
2 >
Nov 17, 2011 4:46:56 PM
com.sun.jersey.api.container.filter.LoggingFilter$Adapter finish
INFO: 2 * Server out-bound response
2 < 400
2 < Content-Type: text/plain
2 <
Bad If-None-Match header value: '-142345b90ecd5fe655e4a4acdaf3db5b9ebaf827'
If the header value is quoted all is well:
- resp = webResource.header("If-None-Match",
+ resp = webResource.header("If-None-Match", "\"" +
etag.getValue() + "\"").get(ClientResponse.class);
In the debugger I saw that there is a ParseException while parsing the
etag value.
Is this a bug?
Farrukh Najmi
Web: http://www.wellfleetsoftware.com